Warum schauen sich manche Jugendliche sogenannte Gore-videos an?
Als ich noch zur Schule ging gab es in meiner Klasse ein Schüler der in einer Whatsgruppe drin war wo solche Videos geschickt wurden sind.Es waren hauptsächlich Videos vom IS wie sie Kriegsgefangene hinrichten und 21 koptische Christen https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enthauptung_von_21_koptischen_Christen_in_Libyen#:~:text=Bei%20der%20Enthauptung%20von%2021,Stadt%20Sirte%20im%20Jahr%202015. ) und Videos von mexikanischen Verbrecherorganisationen die das gleiche mit ihren Gegnern machen.Und der Livestream vom Christchurch Anschlag hat er und seine Freunde auch angesehen.Ein Schüler aus der Parallelklasse war in der gleichen Whatsappgruppe.
Diese Schüler waren keine politischen oder religiösen Extremisten und waren auch nicht gewalttätig.
For me, the answer is curiosity and to understand.
I think if it’s Teens/Twens, it’s curiosity.
Apparently because they’re stupid, because you don’t get those pictures out of your head. It can hurt you if you look at it. It may only come with delay.
As I am interested in politics, I do not think about war and human rights. I’m sure it started with the school visit of a concentration camp.
This is not comparable to any horror-splatter movie 😢 #never
Yes, the obligatory visit to such a Nazi headquarters. Although it was about 100 years ago. Alternatively, you could also drive to the Neuschwanstein Castle, then the children can look at something nice.
I’m no longer a fan of boiling up the old faces again and again, at some point, it’s good, you can’t change anyway.
I think most people don’t know how close we were. The third kingdom didn’t come from today to yesterday. But I, as a healthier test-retardant and unvaccinated, could just go back to the Lidl, but that was, even medical treatment would have been partially denied to me. I’m sorry about the youth. But don’t be that much different at the time. Then it was said, “Don’t buy the Jew.
But please never compare the implementation for eradicating disabled people, gays, dissidents and Jews with a frightened overwhelmed government.
Corona was badWe all sat at home but not according to minority criteria. 😔 Especially the youth I’m sorry and then everyone else. It was catastrophic overall.
My friend’s name is Jana, but I’m not. I don’t want this relative, only we were close again. I was not allowed to buy a hairdresser or a pair of pants when I was a human being. And then you can also listen to yourself : it is true that you could have converted to coronary. That didn’t start otherwise. And that must be recognized when something begins, this pattern, even if the words are exchanged.
I read a Holocaust-relativisation by Corona measures out.
Jana from Kassel?
Mario Adorf swallowed the last survivor… Europe must not be looked at. Just look at the corona time, then you know what the whole excursions used, about zero. When you say you have to prevent this, people had to start and not end. Because it’s too late when it’s ready.
I look completely different. There are survivors, so it can’t be so long.
You understand what people are capable of.
And if I Europe look, it will be back darker. There can be no harm to education.
School xcursions are not limited to the horrors of, it was exactly one.
Morbide curiosity. Sometimes these videos show you well what happens in the world and how happy you can actually be that you are not in such a situation. It makes you realize at the same time how imperishable life is and that at the end of the day we are nothing more than meat bags.
It’s interesting.
Well, young people. Everything must be “extreme.”