Warum schafft es Deutschland nicht einen Flughafen zu bauen?

deutschland hat einen guten ruf in der welt was fahrzeuge oder andere sachen angehen aber kriegen es nicht hin einen flughafen fertig zu bauen (berlin). warum ist das so? in deutschland gibt es viele bausünden wie stuttgart 21. warum kriegt man das alles nicht hin? es wäre doch bestimmt billiger wenn man ber abreist und nochmal von neu anfängt. die chinesen bauen sowas in rekordzeit.

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5 years ago

Germany can do this very well – see e.g. FFM.

But there is a fundamental problem – the skill of the builder.

As General Metapher: Imagine a mason, a hairdresser or a lawyer gets the task as ANSAGER as UNIKAT building a new Airbus. He has no idea why a plane is technically lifting off the ground at all. He then does not know whether he is still in office in the middle of the planning and construction phase and finally he has no personal responsibility for costs and appointments. No person in the free economy would accept such a constellation. In the case of public projects, however, this is a good thing.

The planning and construction professionals, however, are instructed to these specialists. Pro decision-making templates are sometimes made not in the matter, but from tactical/political/personal considerations. Then something comes about (own experience as a construction manager).

Why is Stuttgart21 a building sin? Stuttgart is located geographically in a boiler position. A change in the central city as in S21 creates green areas and living and business. These 3 factors are always needed urbanly (“Green Lunge”, living space, jobs). Whether the planning could have been designed differently in detail is not the topic – that is the viewer’s point of view. The cost increases must also be questioned in time. Due to many objections, the project has delayed significantly. The price increase in construction – especially in the Stuttgart region – is rapid and much higher than on average. And then there was the idling of the many rail workers who could not really do something in time.

5 years ago

Because from political motivation completely inappropriate lee was commissioned with planning and management.

In China, however, there is also much less value for workers’ rights, safe and human working conditions, fire protection systems etc.

5 years ago

Because all managers, architects generally the people who work in planning don’t talk to each other and know what to do will take another 500 years.

That’s where the taxpayers are going.

5 years ago
Reply to  Caniboy06

Just for the sake of curiosity: how often were you with the various JourFixen?

5 years ago

We have many well-functioning airports in Germany, and some of them are not even fully exploited.

Why the countries of Berlin and Brandenburg seem to have a problem with this is another question.

5 years ago

why is that so? in Germany there are many buildings like stuttgart 21. Why don’t you get it all?

In a leadership of the Bundestag, the guides told me a few years ago that the BER will not be finished for two reasons. Firstly, the increasingly strict construction and safety regulations in the Land of Berlin and on the other hand an incompetent architect was engaged. A former architect, who was supposed to take over the construction of the BER, has evolved to London and worked there professionally.

The Stuttgart 21 project owes the voters themselves. They decided to build this underground railway station in a direct democratic referendum and must therefore bear the consequences themselves.

I think it would be cheaper if you left and started again.

As for the BER, yes. This is a billion-grab and, even if it were finished, it would be too small again. That’s why it would make sense to start the airport again.

the Chinese build something like that in record time.

Yeah, but there’s something like that in record time. China is a dictatorship. There you do not ask the citizens, do not place any value on building regulations and safety standards, and the workers are also paid badly. That’s not a comparison.

5 years ago

There’s nothing wrong with China. They build their XXL airports with high standards in record time. With German engineers and architects, Germany has eclipsed due to the bureaucracy.

5 years ago

Why is the majority to blame? “The Stuttgart 21 project owes the voters themselves

The project is progressing.

5 years ago

Germany would do that very well.

Only the noses that just try not.

That’s what comes about when you let politicians get to make a break. They cannot do that, just as little as they could make economic decisions, either.

5 years ago
Reply to  feinerle


first, the builder plans a small-scale town house and when the architect drew the wishes of the strange builders, it is a villa at Lake Starnberg => surprise 😉

5 years ago

From the beginning the worm was in there. Brandenburg and Berlin jointly build this airfield, the politicians had the hat up and flee around, no specialist.

In the case of tenders, the cheapest was cheap, so the companies themselves had to calculate to the blood.

The result, false materials up to the stones, to weak cable carriers and and.

Whoever builds cheap, builds twice, what I write here, four times it’s coming.

Schuster stay with your bars.

Urugay, 3 years, then the airfield was finished with all connections, Madrid, Tuerkei and now the biggest of all, is finished in June in China.

The reputation of DE Baukunst lies deep in the basement.


5 years ago

Lack of communication among themselves, incompetent managers, no thinking/collective, and so on.

If I know that the fire doors are safe, but are not suitable for large-scale projects of this order according to the latest fire protection regulations, and I do not pass this on to the competent authority, although the doors fall into my area of work, nothing will be changed. Until someone else finds that these doors are insufficient and need to be renewed. A guilty person may be looking for later, as the doors may have been installed for three months.

I’m a manager of a railway company. Have no idea and experience with airports and their construction, but I am well known and my name is notorious. I take the chair so that the project gets a serious face again. Show my face in the cameras, run there with a helmet on the head, carry out the responsibility outwards, but I really didn’t say that big because I have no idea about the project. And if I make a decision, I must say three months later that I was not sufficiently informed. Stupid fire doors.

I’m the boss of a painter painter’s company. The people of the project want to delete all rooms with a color for fire protection C. Hm… better would be A, but if they wanted that? Okay, so all in C. The customer wants it this way, and they have to save something. Anyway, I’ll get my money and the client’s wanted. All done. Oh, the customer wants everything in A? It’s paid. How the customer wants to hold it. Whether C or B or A. The main thing is the bill paid.

In my city there is a company that has the monopoly of the ÖPNV. The city is the main owner and provides grants every year. But every year a little less. If this company has to replace the tracks of the tram, this is a power station. It will work around the clock in the week, from 7 a.m. to the evening at 10:00 p.m. There is even a single power weekend, where from Friday 7:00 to Monday 7:00. The relevant line is redirected or there are replacement traffic with buses, no topic. ABER, the company of this ÖPNV is IMMER (!!!) finished earlier than planned (!) and it costs less (!) than previously planned! Because they can (over 120 years of experience) and because they think economically! A government project doesn’t think like a private company! For comparison in my city: the ÖPNV company therefore think and plan business like a private company! In turn, the municipal works should move new water pipes on a distance of 500 metres on a wide road (by bus). Street was torn up, pipes blurred, new used, road repatriated. lasted 9 months. When they were done, the shock! The new water pipes were deeply laid. Ergo, the whole road had to be torn up again, the pipes were rebulged, relocated and the road again asphalted. Duration 4 months. They should be ready in March. The construction site is still there! In the whole, it should take 9 months. The construction site is two years there! I’m curious what happens next there if they’ll ever be done!

Conclusion: If a private company makes the project or a company with years of experience or with academic thinking, then it works. Makes it a government or a state corporation… Save yourself who can!!!! Incompetence in pure form! And you don’t know if you want to laugh or cry…

5 years ago

You shouldn’t have planned everything new. There are so many airports in the world, there would have been at least one in question where the conditions (size, location…) are about the same. You would have just rebuilt that. As far as possible, best with the same responsible persons in the building management. Then the building would have gone forward quickly.

5 years ago

Building such things is really easy and also not oversized expensive. It is difficult and very lengthy to redirect the money into the channels already excavated and to find suitable justifications, why then the costs increase more and more without the people becoming suspicious.

5 years ago

Because the politically responsible people are stuck under a blanket with the relevant economic bosses and share the money that is to be spent on building. Calls corruption.

This also applies to all other “large-scale construction projects”.

5 years ago
Reply to  HansMueller97

Just forget the thoughts. This is just about competences. Corruption in the field requires expertise.

5 years ago
Reply to  oklein

It would be nice if it was about competences, then the project would have been done on time, but, as I said, the money that is invested will be partly dismantled and the business bosses and politicians enrich themselves.

And that’s what they’re trying to do for as long as possible until they need to pann and other excuses.

5 years ago

That is exactly what I mean: no competence – no corruption. In order to make a little deviating from the target more favorable, it is necessary to provide a technical warning.

5 years ago

Because people make a lot of money that doesn’t get done.

As long as you don’t get ready, you keep doing this until the pot is all

5 years ago

Because in Germany the regulation is so large that changes are constantly needed.

All the superfluous bureaucrats in politics are dismantled and much would run better.


5 years ago

In countries where bribery and a bottle of building supervision can be found, the airport would have been completed on time.

5 years ago
Reply to  Panazee

Corruption, Pfusch and the great greed is also common in Germany.

5 years ago

Germany has always managed this so far, only the Berlin airport is a problem.

5 years ago

“Germany” does not build anything, but construction companies and architects… At BER, one has obviously chosen among them the most dilettanish, which promised cheaply, and then only supplied…

That, in turn, the Cinesen are building faster does not mean that they would get it better. They’re just making ready eyes and ears for tree noodles.

5 years ago

So there is no airport in Germany??

5 years ago

In China, a factory also crashes every week along with hundreds of dead.

5 years ago

maybe because we’re all complicated?