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Once a designation has been entered into the general language use, it is usually very stubborn.
In addition to the “EC card”, for example the “Bundesbahn”, the “Postamt”, the “GEZ” or “Hartz IV” are included.
For the same reason why people still say GEZ, even though they mean the broadcast.
Man is a habit animal and change is sometimes difficult.
Many say VAT although it has long been called VAT.
Many say pay tax return although it is called income tax return.
That’s like you’re asking:
“Why do some people still say cell phone and not smartphone.”
The comparison suggests that no one has the trademark rights in the word “Handy” and therefore had to find a new name.
Think EC is Electronic Card.
The abbreviation was originally for “eurocheque” and was then interpreted in “electronic cash”.
Because this has become so natural.