Warum sagt Lifesum dass Joghurt ungesund ist?
eigentlich soll Joghurt ja sehr gesund sein weshalb ich auch mehr Joghurt essen möchte. Ich habe nur ein kleines Problem, also ich benutze die App Lifesum zum Kalorientracken und die gibt einem zu jedem Essen auch immer ein sogenanntes “Meal Rating”. Und es ist irgendwie so dass ich sehr oft ein “unhealthy” rating für Joghurt bekomme was mich dann doch sehr verwirrt 😭 Kann das jemand erklären?
An alle die sagen ich soll auf “Get insights” klicken- das ist nur für die Pro Version der App
Maybe the app is trying to tell you that 118 calories are not a “money time”… Give a proper portion of oatmeal and a few nuts to it and see if it will be better evaluated…
But if I eat two eggs (150 calories), it is called “healthy”… You could still be right about adding more foods to raise the rating… Just find it somewhat misleading that the app calls healthy foods as “unhealthy” when you get to its calories, it doesn’t matter.
because most are all sugared….ahhhhh milk good….you could think….but finally more a candy with little fruit or soagr only aroma….I am also so b…and eat there much of…
in the yogurt is not added sugar
eat your yogurt and don’t care what the app says.
you don’t have to let life be determined by any entertainment electronics.
that takes you vitality and quality of life and puts you under negative stress.
naja it surprises me only because the app is otherwise very accurate but naja
I don’t know.
I don’t let my data track and do nothing in trackingapps.
You don’t have to. it helps
Heyyy first to answer your question. This app is really not good for a person. You can eat Yogurt because it only has sugar for which reason the app shows that it is not so good.
But it is natural yoghurt so there is no added sugar in it
Ah oke This app shows this even if it is too little at least it was always so with me