Why do so many people say it is bad to remove the wisdom teeth above and below?
I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed on the other side on the 28th of this month.
Now, however, many of my friends and classmates say it is bad to have both the top and bottom teeth removed and that you should have both the top teeth removed first and then both the bottom teeth removed.
Why is this so and does it have any advantages?
In one way, they’re all gone, but they’re just one side.
The disadvantage is, of course, that there are problems with eating, you have to take care of the first days.
And at a later distance, the wound is somewhat healed in the pulled teeth.
I’d talk to the doctor again. 🦷🦷🦷🦷
I also got one side and the stupid thing was not chewing where severely hurts that went, but opening the mouth to be able to eat at all was badly hurt
So you almost got it behind you?
The first was a couple of months ago
But the 2 is now on 28 what the Monday in the holidays is:(
Removing wisdom teeth is necessary in my knowledge when they are ill or are in the way of the growth/development of the other teeth. Otherwise not. I myself am 80 and have two stable wisdom teeth. Why you need to remove your teeth, your dentist will have told you.
let them talk or even better, ask them “for when they have been studying as a dentist or orthodontic?”
the doctors decide how and where to be treated and not 1 dozen and 2 dozen young people.
all good.
That’s right.