Warum sagen manche Leute dass ich blöd bin…?

Hallo liebe community,

Ich habe ein Hobby, das heißt ich filme mit meinem Smartphone U-Bahn Fahrten, nehme die Bandansagen auf Handy auf, Fotografiere U-Bahn Züge, Ich versuche mir die U-Bahn Haltestellen bis Endbahnhof auswendig zu lernen. Ich persönlich finde die Züge schön und fahre gerne mit denen und betrachte die als schön und hübsch, manche U-Bahn durchsehen finde ich süß.

Warum aber, sagen manche Leute aus meiner eigenen Familie ich sei blöd bzw., verrückt nur weil ich sowas mache und so denke??

Bitte um ehrliche Rückmeldung!! Danke

Gerne könnt ihr auch eure Meinung hier mit vertreten!!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

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3 years ago

I would say that here is the madness in the eye of the viewer.

Sure — it is not mainstream when you have such a pronounced tendency to train. But there is a celebrity who also has it with trains: Sheldon Cooper.

On the one hand, I can understand that it is a bit strange, but don’t understand why such preferences are stamped as crazy.

There are two ways to solve your problem:

1. In the future, you will pay attention to the fact that there is little talk about your hobby and you will not let you see it.

Two. You learn to deal with the stupid comments and to give contrast and, by the way, don’t even think about it. Just grow a thick coat and let people talk what they want.

I personally can understand your preference well and for my taste it is not crazy, but unfortunately not all think so.

3 years ago

I think they say stupid to you because the hobby isn’t really common because if someone says, for example, “I play football” there’s nobody going to say “you’re stupid” because pretty much every football plays. I think you shouldn’t let people take you down because if you enjoy it and you don’t hurt it all is okay

3 years ago

It doesn’t matter what they say. I’m photographing planes. Follow the Emirates to get a good picture. Today it goes to Cologne, the Antonov lands. Everybody’s got something else he thinks great.

3 years ago

Now your hobby is uncommon, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad.

Your family may seem to not understand what is fun for you and unfortunately it is often so that people do not understand them as badly stamped.

Don’t look like your problem, it’s hers.

Enjoy your great hobby, you’ve found something that makes you fun, and you have to justify yourself to no one.


3 years ago

I always think it’s super good if someone is interested in anything! What that is then doesn’t matter: main thing, you have fun and it doesn’t hurt anyone. There are plenty of people who don’t care. So enjoy your hobby. Of course, the other one can find it disgusting. So what? Interesting only in tennis, riding or piano, I find it a bit boring!

3 years ago

That’s not stupid at all. There are a variety of hobbies. Some collect decals, other beer lids and other expensive cars – if they can afford it.

I’ve collected CD’s (silver and colorful), cut them and made a picture of the table top in my work room.

Everyone is different. Stand up!

3 years ago

Well, it’s unusual but stupid or crazy you’re certainly not.

Everyone has other interests and spends his time as he wants it when you do this with U-Bahn rides etc. and you are very interested in that is completely okay.


3 years ago

So I think that’s a little weird. But it’s not more crazy than training spotting, and it’s just my opinion, more not. If you enjoy it, don’t let it take you off. There are much more crunchy Hobbes.

3 years ago

Find that cool…so I will celebrate your present fifa

3 years ago

It’s always been like that!

Artists have always been forgotten in lifetime!

3 years ago

Interesting hobby. Don’t let your family go down and do what you like.

3 years ago

So I can’t understand why you should be stupid or crazy is a cool hobby. So I celebrate that and you do that!☺️

3 years ago

Everyone keeps his hobbies and soften them from the common hobbies you are doof.

I’m a total anime fan and I also have PVC figures in the room, I’m just called Pervers.

If you’re on guns too, have 2 swords, arch several knives, acquaintances say I have one on the gossip.

3 years ago

I’m also doing training spotting I don’t know something like that!

3 years ago

You have a great hobby and envy!

3 years ago

I honestly find this also stupid looking for you other hobbies if you have annoyed what others say