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Such odours are caused by bacteria that nested there. These can also lead to inconvenient inflammation.
Proper washing is therefore essential to fix and prevent this.
This means washing with water, best after every toilet walk. With soap, shower gel or similar products not more often than once a week if they are not explicitly designed for female intimate hygiene.
This is important because soaps can intertwine the pH value of the vagina and thus facilitate access to said bacteria.
In case of doubt, you should always discuss this with your doctors.
This could be an infection such as a fungus or bacteria.
Go to the gynecologist and check it out. It’s really important that a doctor looks over there and diagnoses because if you just get rid of it with self-diagnosis, then that can go wrong. The safest thing is when you go to the gynecologist.
I hope I could help you 🙃
Good luck 🍀
Maybe someone came in you? It always smells like unprotected intercourse.
Is that first, or do you mean in general?
When it first appears, this can have all sorts of trigger, infections possibly etc, as best once to the female doctor.
If this is so in general, you should pay attention to hygiene, wash every day (by the way, it is best to wash thoroughly with water instead of with any soaps etc.) and change the underpants every day until 2 times a day.
At that point I am not completely sure but I mean the diet also has an influence on it.
Hope I could help
I’m sure you didn’t properly disinfect your vibrator. ;
Please ask your FA for Gyn.
Maybe it helps as an info.
ignorance is not bad, but then you should be calm.
They also commented so ignorant and provoked me, just ignore
The one of the