Warum rauchen alle?
Warum fangen aktuell alle an zu rauchen?
Alle in meinem Umfeld außer zum glück meiner familie fangen aktuell an zu rauchen, meine freundin 13 raucht, meine Nachbarin 14, usw..
Wisst ihr warum sie es tun? Ich meine tun sie es um sich gut zu fühlen?
Because someone bit them in the brain. There is no reason to smoke, just stupidity.
I also look like this (not badly meant to the smokers) but in front of all those who also go to parties and also baptize themselves really….a miracle if you do not drink, smoke or tattoowiert or gepirct/gerit$t is
I think it calms and it’s new for most
Is quite similar
So in my environment friends and school have started a lot
Kind of sad, but stay out of there and don’t start smoking! If you’re close to starting it, look at how harmful it is!
Mhm… in my environment several (again) have also started, but strangely also more women and girls; but not so
To be cool. When I was 12 I did it too, but then I got through and I didn’t want 60k plates for that kind of shredded to die earlier no thanks
Oh, thank you…. well, even if your reason was just because of the money, it’s good you stopped.
Yes. I’m older now and jz is just because of the health consequences. I’m gonna have enough money later, but I’m afraid of something like that. Okay sounds like I want to smoke, but I hate it. Whenever I have to inhale it, I hope it’s the disgusting hardcore inhaled and terrified. Ex smokers are mostly more opposed than people have never done this
Yes, my mother is ex-smoker and also asthmaticians… she hates smokers over everything… but good attitude, others have lungs problems and desire a healthy lung, then the smokers come
Just mentioning girls, I’ll write you what I know about them.
So everyone needs something to enjoy, which calms or comforts you. For example, you could also drink or eat.
Girls always want to stay slender, fear every calorie. For them, smoking is almost “optimal” because it is absolutely without calories.
Oha that sounds so logical, because my girlfriend isn’t the slimest thing… thanks
How slim the girl is is not decisive. Sometimes the “thicks” are satisfied with their thickness, but the slenders are formed, they must be even slimmer…
I can explain bad sorry haha
Ecumenical disorders aren’t caused by anything, but okay.
It is too complicated to explain, but roughly said it suffers from depression and was pampered therefore it developed an essential disorder
If it is too thick, it does not actually apply as an eating disorder, but is desirable. It’s because you’re just getting away from Dicksein.
But in the case it does not have an eating disorder
do not all in my class smoke most not
Because all do and keep chilly is
This came also in the news that the smoking rate of young people has risen sharply. This is very socially recognized. A smoke break is quite normal.
Just reject.
I’ve never been asked for anything, even if I’d miss the person unlogised a backpipe that asked me to have
Because they’re stupid.
They suck stinking poison in their bodies because they are stupid.
Just true, only I will never understand such people
Me neither.
One has only one body – and it must be enough for all life.
Already as a teenager to start destroying this body, this is just mega-dumm.
Yes that’s just right, others don’t even have the luck to be healthy