Warum pinkeln meine Katzen in mein Bett?

Hallo zusammen,

Wir haben seit vier Wochen zwei kleine Kater. Beide 16 Wochen alt und stubenrein.

Sie haben zwei Toiletten und leben in der Wohnung.

Entwurmt und untersucht sind sie. Zum kastrieren noch zu jung.

Soweit so gut. Sobald ich meine Tür zum Schlafzimmer offen habe, toben sie auf dem Bett und wollen auch kuscheln, allerdings pinkeln sie auf kurz oder lang auf mein Federbett. Sie scharren und lassen es laufen.

Ich versteh nicht warum nur dort. Ich möchte nicht ständig die Türe zu machen. Kann mir vielleicht jemand Rat geben?

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1 year ago

It can be that they do not find the tight in the toilet so pleasant and the bed is just nicely soft. Perhaps they also like the location of the toilet or the type of klos not (closed toilets are not accepted as open and fine scatter is more pleasant among the pfoten). Whatever can be, they have bladder inflammation or so and connect the pain while peeing to the toilet, then cats also like to pee another (soft) place. Besides, it should be 3 clos for 2 cats.

If you can exclude all this or if it doesn’t get better with corresponding changes, I’d just explain the bedroom to the taboo zone in your case and don’t let it in.

1 year ago
Reply to  Trinity8484

A normal control check does not look like bladder infection. As said: a toilet more than cats with pure housing, therefore 2 cats = 3 toilets. They should not be directly next to each other. That the cats use this time doesn’t mean that there are 2 clos.

1 year ago

You failed to keep the animals away from the bedroom, you can still catch up.

Cats also love cuddly, like people. They marked their territory and have already shown you who the boss is in the house.

Make the cat’s toilet a little “mooth” and slowly get used to it being their toilet.

Good luck.

1 year ago
Reply to  Trinity8484

Do you want them in the bedroom?. They go to the bathroom and pee with you, so they do what they want.

1 year ago

Vllt. because your bed is clearly warmer and softer than the hard crumbs in the cat’s cub.

1 year ago
Reply to  Melody888
