Warum nur finden viele, dass Motorradfahren im besonderen Maße Freiheit bedeutet?

Bin früher nur hin und wieder im Urlaub Motorrad gefahren. In 2020 kaufte ich mir ein gebrauchtes Bike, um das Öffentlich-Fahren auszudünnen und in die Stadt zu fahren, wo Parkplatzmangel herrscht. Ohne Schutzbekleidung fahre ich aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht. Bei Hitze bin ich nassgeschwitzt. E-Roller kreuz und quer über die Fahrbahn; Frauen die wie Hennen über die Straße laufen. Wenn Fahrspaß, dann nur max. 40 %, der Rest Unwohlsein und Anspannung, obwohl bislang unfallfrei.

Werde es jetzt zum Verkauf ausschreiben und mein Fahrrad aufrüsten.

Immer wieder habe ich diesen Spruch gehört oder gelesen und schüttele den Kopf.

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2 years ago

Moving freely on the motorcycle works only limited in the city. On the other hand, driving fun is, at least with me, more likely where you can accelerate with the plank or swing through the curves.

Since you only bought the motorcycle for the purpose of moving, you might have been better served with another means of transportation. That’s what you recognized and dispose of.

But to question the fun in principle (“many”), although others feel it, I think it is wrong. You feel it like that, then it’s like that. Then the “many” others shouldn’t care.

And the engine oil problem my wife had already experienced with her car at ATU. It is therefore also an example which can be used for any other vehicle classes.

2 years ago

Why do many find that motorcyclists are particularly free?

Because the advertisement sugges this and people fall on it.

What you are doing is to use a motorcycle as a means of transportation, then it is not fun either. If you want to enjoy it, you have to be on the go in the outdoor area on suitable routes. But even then, driving fun is not guaranteed, that simply depends on the personal feeling.

I used my motorcycle like you. In the meantime I have completely changed to the bike because:

  • cheaper
  • organic
  • more joy because every kilometer traveled was not pointless but for your own health
2 years ago
Reply to  TheFamousSpy

I don’t even drive motorbike from this round.

2 years ago

Again and again I have heard or read this saying and shake my head.

That’s not a kind of just attitude.

You can also say, “Why say all the sport is healthy that I don’t understand” and as an example, you’ll be jogging at Smogalarm next to the highway.

A motorcycle is also a bad decision as a mere means of transport in the city and has nothing to do with freedom, but is only masochistic.

De Freedom comes from non-targeted rides.

2 years ago

You can’t drive in town, you have to get out of town. There’s no one running over the street and there’s no eroller.

If you bought it for that purpose, I wonder why you complain if you only use it for it? Freedom was apparently not the goal of your purchase

2 years ago
Reply to  Mittenwald68

Sure, you sweat, depending on the temperature. Go around 20-25 degrees. Land road with few beautiful curves and little traffic.

Otherwise perhaps the wrong bike. On a racing machine, I don’t get it. But on my chopper with ape the more.

And n scooter has more freedoms in traffic and at the parking lot, not feeling. I also drove a couple of years

2 years ago

What you do with the two-wheeler has a practical purpose.
If you want fun driving beautiful plugging out of towns.
This can only be achieved to a small extent.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mittenwald68

This is an individual problem from you. I don’t know why you put any conclusions as a general rule.

2 years ago

Well, then don’t go around town?
Gondele over the country roads.

2 years ago

I agree. I do not understand why it is suggested that only Motorcycle driving means freedom.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mittenwald68

Yeah, but… you’re gonna buy yourself a convertible next to drive only in rainy weather, and then cry around that you don’t understand convertible because convertible is going full of stupid because you’re getting wet all the time? Or what is your whole logic behind it now?

2 years ago

You’re a little special, aren’t you?