Warum nur 40 Euro Taschengeld bei 250 Euro Kindergeld?

Hey mein Bruder und ich sind vor kurzem 14 gewordn und wir bekommen jeder 40 Euro Taschengeld. Hab aber letztens erfahren das mum jeden Monat 500 Euro Kindergeld für uns bekommt.
Sind also 40 Euro nicht bisschen wenig?

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1 year ago

Your parents also have great expenses because of you for which they come, such as your food, electricity you consume etc. The child allowance is also available for such expenditure.

I think 40 euros of pocket money are enough. I had 25 Euros at that age and got along well.

1 year ago

80 euro pocket money to pay every month is for your mother already a whole rod money. that does not have to pay them, that is a voluntary service.

500 euro child money for two 14 years does not even bear the fraction of your cost: rent, electricity, internet, telephone, food, clothing, school supplies, tickets etc.

1 year ago
Reply to  tatja19

yes, why are there still children born when this is such a “coleries” .. (?!)

1 year ago
Reply to  bachforelle49

Because everything has several pages. But it does not mean having children *only* is brilliant and magical, but can be quite exhausting and difficult and even making sick. (See the biography of these two criminal twin boys here – read the other questions of the FS…)

1 year ago

It means child money, but it is up to parents to provide care. These are about 250 € per child. (No dogs are in the dog cake.)

What do you think you’re using food, care products, school products, rent, srom, heating, clothing, hairdresser, club fees just everything? I can assure you that it is more than €250 per month. More clearly.

There are tables for pocket money. For your age 35-40 € are proposed. And remember. If the families don’t have enough money available, then often no pocket money can be paid. In this case, the children even have to work to make their contribution to the family. They often give part of their merit to parents so that enough bread and milk come to the table.

1 year ago

Your mother will buy food for you every week. Your mother may drive you to activities or to school. Your mother buys you leisure items, birthday gifts, medicine, hygiene items. Your mother pays proportional rent for you, electricity, water, heating, cell phone, internet. She’ll buy you clothes, maybe your favorite magazine. She might pay your club.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, the average cost of a school child is around €605 per month and around €7,260 per year. On average about 148,000 euros a child costs up to the age of 18. So that means that your mother puts a hundred euros on her money. Pocket money included. So be glad you have anything.

And I’ll tell you something else. Not that you fall out of all the clouds as soon as you start training. A lot of children have to make money when they start their training at home. Say, if you get, for example, 600 Euro Bafög, or 1200 Euro training money, then you can leave everything at home and have only a pocket money of 100 Euro. That’s how it was with me. So don’t be surprised. You may not seem fair yet. But if you get older you realize how hard it is to earn money and the money will have a different value for you too.

1 year ago

There’s something else I can think of….

In my youth time, I was jealous of fellow pupils who had free “her” child allowances every month (before this amount was transferred by the parent at the beginning of the month). I was jealous until I found out what these fellow students had to pay for themselves.

School snacks, class excursions, class travel, school supplies, school books, clothes, shoes, hygiene products, bus tickets, telephone card, own phone bill, etc…. all they had to pay by “her” child money themselves. Blieb in the end less left every month than if they had “just like” pocket money

1 year ago

Your parents provide you with a living room and also pay for water, electricity and all other costs. You get school, clothes, shoes, drugs. Do you have hobbies? These are not free. You also drive from A to B and/or hire bus and train tickets. You wash your laundry. You pay for school trips and class trips. You’re insured.

You’re just trying to figure out what children cost? There’s a joke about it!

1 year ago

So are 40 euros not a little bit?

Sure. If you have to pay for rent, ancillary costs, garbage collection, food and all leisure activities…

Just go to the head (and for that, pocket money is thought to be in the end) or also save for a larger desire, this is completely sufficient.

Your mother pays much more for your maintenance than the child’s money she gets from the state for you.

1 year ago

Who pays your livelihood?

The child’s money is not meant to be paid to you as a taschèngeld, but as a help for your parents to make the costs easier for you. And the amount of € 250,– per child for living for a child are too low, so your parents must feed you out of their own income, dress etc.

1 year ago

No, that’s a lot.

At the expense you’re causing your parents, you should get a little help job at this age and give a part of the wage at home.

1 year ago
Reply to  BurkeUndCo

You know that parents have actively chosen the child…

1 year ago

I had the deal with my mother so from 16 that I get the full child’s money paid out, but I also have to pay everything for it – except basic food and water.

Mobile phone, ticket, clothes, utensils for the school, if I wanted something sweet/a pizza/caola, cinema visits, go to the swimming pool etc.

What a really fucking idea! In the end, I had at the free disposal less than the 50€ pocket money I had previously had with room for the grant of certain activities or acquisitions by my mother.

Guys, don’t do that. It sounds really great and like a lot of money, but it’s not worth it.

1 year ago
Reply to  WitchesAndCats

In a certain way, however, this also has the advantage that one can experience in one’s own body “what” must be paid. And it doesn’t hurt when you learn to get clear with a fixed budget.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rockige

I found very fucking and because the money has never been properly enough, I was mainly frustrated. You have no influence on how much you get. It’s a fixed amount and you can’t, as I do in my jobs later, assume an extra layer or something to have a little more buffer.

I found that much better and more educational than I used to live at home during my studies, had a side job and paid a bit of rent to my mother.

1 year ago

My son got 25 euros a month at the same age and never complained.

He knows that the parents get up for his maintenance and provide him with great care.

The child’s money is meant for it.

There were never any problems when he needed an extra, he just asked.

1 year ago


Your mother doesn’t get the child’s money exclusively to give it as a pocket money.

The amount is there for you to have something to eat on the table, fresh and new clothes are in the closet or you can visit leisure activities and clubs. It is also noticeable when two children are in the household, who additionally actuate the heating and consume electricity. It costs all the money and even if your mom goes to work, the money is still a strong help.
I also find 40€ pocket money a fairly large amount, because you only do it “luxury things”, everything else will definitely pay your mother (as mentioned above).

Small fish

1 year ago

40€ per month are a completely normal and appropriate pocket money for a 14 year old. There are many young people who get less.

1 year ago
Reply to  playa0998

Then you’ll save for a few months. I’m sure you’ll have something about

1 year ago

The child’s money is not to spend for the children. This should cover the high costs caused by children, in part

1 year ago

The other money is also spent on other things you benefit from, such as food, heating, clothes etc.

1 year ago

So with me, you would get the full 250 euros right away, but then you would have to come up completely for your need.

Mobile phone


Driving costs






School material


1 year ago

Your mother must also finance a larger apartment for you, electricity and heating costs increase by paying the food for you, finance everything for school, clothing, mobility, mobile phone, if necessary. Medical appointments, vaccinations, medicines, holidays, etc.

There are 250€ per child only one drop on the hot stone. Even if you buy part of it yourself from the pocket money: The child’s money is not enough for anything. Incidentally, giving pocket money is not a duty of parents.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mariiaaca

Well in Germany with health insurance is the issue for doctor appointments, vaccinations and medicines very clear…

1 year ago

This is similar here in Austria. And yet there is a lot of things coming together (or that was the case in my youth, as there were certain things like a free HPV-impregnation or a brace that was not taken over by the cashier). Even though there has been a lot of things, it is still buzzing.

1 year ago

You can suggest to your mother that you get more pocket money, but you can make certain expenses yourself, such as clothing, food, rent… can help to learn how to deal with finance.

1 year ago

Be happy, I get garkein pocket money and have to spend newspapers every week, which isn’t really fun for me and I get only 36€.

1 year ago
Reply to  playa0998

Since yesterday 14

1 year ago

So are 40 euros not a little bit?

If you ask me so much, actually much too much.

Do you really think your parents are getting rich through you? You will cost them a multiple of the 250 € per month.

1 year ago

40€ is very much for 14

1 year ago

Don’t cry, your parents will finally buy you stuff, eat, school stuff, etc. I got 20 euros a month until I was 18 years old. I had to go to work myself if I wanted more. I am very grateful to my parents. Today I am an independent person.

1 year ago

You can be happy that you get pocket money at all, your parents are not obliged to do so. Other things are paid by the child’s money

  • Account
  • Hairdresser visit
  • Cloves
  • Food and drink

And some things also want to be served, you two could do just as well a so-called holiday/weekend job.

1 year ago

If you use the money for clothes, electricity, water, heating and your food, your mutt will surely give you more.

1 year ago

40€ a lot

1 year ago

in Germany, Mom and Dad put children in the world to categorize, because children also cost money, rent, food, etc; there are parents, mainly clans from abroad, etc., they produce children on the running band, because with this mash they get more money than if they had to get up in the morning.

1 year ago

You can also agree that you get the whole child’s money. Then you also pay all your food, clothing, hygiene articles, school supplies, if necessary remedies, electricity, rent, water, fuel, car costs, all companies, mobile phone, computer, Internet, your birthdays, etc.

1 year ago

Child money is not a pocket money.

It is a financial support for your mother, since she can eat you, fund clothes etc.

1 year ago

No, that’s not a little. You don’t have to pay your own food, do you?

1 year ago

Your parents pay your food, clothes, make sure you have a roof over your head, have it warm?

That’s exactly why they get the child’s money…

1 year ago

The child’s money is for the parents and not for the children. Apart from 500€ for two children not long to provide them.

In general, 40€ is a whole lot – I would say that you are one of your age’s ‘server’.

1 year ago

And from what your mother pays for food, clothing, school supplies etc. etc., that the dear God gives you.

1 year ago

Boy I can’t get a pocket money at all

1 year ago
Reply to  playa0998

14 And it is called Lama. 🦙xD

No real talk now I don’t need a pocket money because I have enough money and get everything paid

1 year ago


1 year ago

Never got pocket money

1 year ago

are glad that Mommy pays a pocket money at all. is not obliged. So come back down and relax

with 14 you can do certain work in the household/garden

1 year ago

If you pay all of it like clothes, your food, your laundry etc. Then yes.

1 year ago

There is Mutti with the pocket money for you in the proposed frame….


1 year ago

The child’s money is up to the ELTERN. They alone determine what they owe you as a pocket money. 40 € is therefore quite sufficient only for daily needs.

1 year ago

You don’t live under the bridge, you don’t have a cell phone/PC that consumes electricity? Don’t you need clothes, shoes and no food? No materials for the school?
These are all the costs you can’t just leave.

1 year ago
Reply to  maja0403

They wouldn’t get anything from me if you looked at the question history more closely.

  • Damage to property
  • Breakdown
  • Theft


1 year ago

Right, it’s hard to read.

1 year ago

My sons would no longer see pocket money after such actions