Warum noch für die Rente ( privat ) vorsorgen?
Wir haben doch einen Sozialstaat, das heißt für mich, das auch ein Rentner unterstützt wird, der von seiner Rente nicht leben kann.
Warum soll man dann Geld dafür investieren wenn man es sonst eh vom Staat geschenkt bekommt, falls man eben nicht genug hat.
Leider ist die gesetzliche Rente Pflicht, sodass man sich nicht vollständig drauf ausruhen kann.
You haven’t seen the system yet.
Who’s the state? And I. And everyone else who lives in D. So if you get money from the state, you give it to yourself. And I’ll give you something.
There are quite a lot of things to do. Only this becomes a big problem: we have too many old and too little young people. The elderly no longer pay a pension, and the comparatively few young people have to pay more and more of their wages so that the old people are still provided.
You can calculate that the proportion you will have at your age will be quite leaner and therefore private precaution is absolutely sensible.
If you have to put everything open, you have to lose weight and get to the table afterwards.
Because nobody knows what it looks like in 20 years… But no one knows if your private insurance exists
That’s obviously just another provocation, but I’m still seriously answering:
Well, not every human being lasts his whole life as a social fall. Some build up something themselves, a home, a certain standard of living, expensive or elaborate leisure activities, which they also want to keep in retirement.
But what you get from the state in need is never enough for a reasonable life. There it is already advisable to ensure yourself a little prosperity at the age, if you can.
Sure. Then your pension may be very small and you can’t afford anything.
Have you looked at how high the increase would be? Have you ever thought about how the social security funds are supposed to end up?
No, your idea is not thought out. I don’t want to be dependent on any state alms at my age, so I’ll take care of my age.
The statutory pension alone cannot maintain your usual standard of living. For example, if you want to go on holiday as a pensioner, you have to finance it differently.
these pensioners get more
The “become” no longer, but they have spares to increase.
the more double pension
It was a private supplementary pension. Let go.
where to get a lot of pension have earned very well, with a small pay get a small pension,
I see the pension with my own eyes, I do not need to believe a skibomor They’re getting more pension. I also like to repeat 20 more times 😀
No they don’t get, Skibomor is right, who will get where little pension will apply for social assistance and get some allowance to get such a big pension as politicians you need to work 150 years, have seen in a report
That’s what I said.
that depends on what you’ve done, my mother gets such a private supplementary pension, my father’s been dead for a long time, they’ve spent much more than he’s ever paid in. In this respect it is not what you have paid in and it is not to despise, just more.
Who are they supposed to get this from? The “come” as much more as they have paid in – that can be much or little. Or they have residential property and therefore do not have to pay rent. There are several models how to increase your pension.