Warum nimmt sich mein Kind 8 einfach fremdes Geld?

Mein Enkel 8 Jahre lebt bei meiner Tochter und geht regelmäßig alle 2 Wochen zum Papa , dessen Freundin und deren 6 jährigen Sohn.

Nun ist es schon mehrfach vorgekommen, dass er bei der Freundin an die Geldbörse geht oder bei deren Eltern einfach Geld einsteckt. Beim Papa seinen Eltern oder bei uns hat er das noch nie gemacht.

Warum tut er das?

Vielen Dank


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3 years ago

If he doesn’t do it any other way, he’s targeted at his father’s girlfriend or their parents are probably jealousy behind it. It helps, above all, if his father and, if necessary, also the girlfriend gives him safety. I wouldn’t do anything with punishment. It is clear that this action is not in order, but above all that he is loved and is not in conflict with the 6 year old son.

3 years ago
Reply to  Katrinchen43

So I always find it better when parents work together.

2 years ago

The star (then) 10 months later 🙂 did something positive?

3 years ago

I don’t know how to get that into detail, I should really know the family. Basically, however, I would recommend that the adults first discuss how they want to deal with it and then pull on a string. If a conversation with all town finds a positive, especially for your grandson, so even without questions like “why do you do it” etc. He will probably not be able to formulate an answer anyway.

3 years ago

I think it would be helpful to make him familiar with the handling of money, for example by giving him a weekly pocket money, so he also has the feeling that one does not “preserve” it and at the same time communicate to him that it is not right to simply take without asking. Maybe also animate him to apologize and ask in the future.

3 years ago

This is due to the education and the wrong behaviour of those affected.

3 years ago

Your child has not learned from you that it has not only to respect DEIN property, but also all other people.

3 years ago
Reply to  Katrinchen43

What other than education should it be “sliding”??? Then you’re the grandma. Parental responsibility is the mother. Of course, if the child is in your care.

3 years ago

Because he wants money

3 years ago

The boy is 8- you can ask yourself why he does. He’s sure of speaking powerful.