Warum nimmt man durch Tramadol so stark ab?

Gerade bei Jameda mal geschaut die Leute berichten von 11-17 Kilo während 3-18 Monate Einnahme. Ich habe das auch. 10 Kilo in 9 Wochen. Da ich vorher schon sehr schlank war, bin ich jetzt sehr dünn. Ich habe kein Appetitmangel, ich esse genauso viel wie vorher plus zusätzlich Heißhunger auf süßes. Was in opiaten führt dazu? Und was kann ich noch machen außer mehr zu essen? Und bekomme ich das normal Gewicht schnell wieder nach absetzen?

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2 years ago

Tramadol is an active ingredient from the group of opioids. The pain-smoothing effect is based on binding to the opioid receptors in the brain, by re-absorbing norepinephrine and a release of serotonin.

Not only does the brain contain opioid receptors, but also the intestinal wall. Tramadol also binds to these receptors and thus leads to intestinal inertia. The intestinal content passes more slowly the intestine and remains there longer, the frequency of stools decreases.

The effect of tramadol on serotonin and norepinephrine also seems to have an influence on weight loss. These are the two neurotransmitters, which are also modulated by antidepressants and there, too, weight decreases repeatedly occur. Here, however, one cannot say exactly what exactly causes weight loss, but the relationship is clear.

Thus, it seems to be the combination of the mechanisms of action which, in the case of tramadol, often causes weight loss: firstly, the purely physical change in the intestinal function, and secondly the effect on neurotransmitters which have an influence on appetite, hunger and saturation.

2 years ago
Reply to  ToffeeFee50

In the case of antidepressants both are described, a certain percentage decreases, another increases, in the case of another the weight does not change. This is probably related to slight individual differences in the corresponding receptor that although the main effect remains the same, side effects may differ somewhat.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Strangers from the Internet cannot judge what is happening right here. Do not rule out that there is another cause. In doubt, please have an medical examination.

Good luck!

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  ToffeeFee50


I’d talk about it at least with the tramadol.