Warum nehmen die meisten Rapper Drogen?
Warum ist das so?
Warum ist das so?
Hallo zusammen, mein Problem steht ja eigentlich im Titel. Ich bin süchtig nach Koffein und kriege es einfach nicht in den Griff. Es hat angefangen mit Krafttraining. Dadurch bin ich auf diese Preworkout booster gestoßen die eben auch Koffein beinhalten. Zunächst nahm ich wenig dann immer mehr… Mein booster reichte mir nicht mehr also holte…
Würde das stärkste (psychedelisch)Gras ungefähr an die Wirkung von LSD und Pilze rankommen oder sind die auf einem komplett anderen Level und wenn nein warum nicht?
Wie lange dauert es bis die Libido wieder funktioniert? Weil Lustlosigkeit merke ich nach 3 Tagen immer noch
Hallo kann man weed was man hat das eher feucht noch ist auf der Heizung trocknen ?
Ich würde gerne cannabis anbauen aber ohne Zelt, ist es möglich z.b nur mit LED anzubauen ?
How the adoption? Music is art and can therefore also have fictional content. Just because Rapper XY in his texts speaks of how he is consuming drugs or is constantly on coke, that doesn’t mean that it corresponds to reality.
Of course there are rappers taking the drugs. I just don’t want to flatter it. In the area of rock and punk there are at least as many people who consume drugs. Especially alcohol is quite the most popular drug (if you refer to legal drugs).
Alcohol is a food
Alcohol is therefore definitely a drug and also a very strong
And a drug 😉
If you only think about caffeine, nicotine and ethanol, most people take some drug. Regardless of what they do in their spare time or professional. Consumers of illegal drugs are relatively few in comparison. Possible that rappers take such substances more frequently than the average person. I don’t know any studies about this.
Not only most rappers. Many people take drugs. Rapper talks openly about it and are in public.
Should all be locked
Why? Because they take drugs?
Oh, probably a troll. Thanks for the hint
He takes “controlled” heroin himself, and he’s crying over people taking drugs.
So you don’t have to discuss with him
Let that be their decision. Do you also think people drink the alcohol?
Yes! To do this is really the last!!!
Not rapper, but musicians. With many it is the pressure
not only rapper also many rockers! and there still comes
neatly alk
How to get on alcohol 🤦🏻 ♂️
alcohol is commonly considered a “soft” drug and the established alcohol research only defines it as cell poison. As a drug he is actually responsible for his (hazardous) effects, he would be subject to prescription and fell under the drug law.
Because they are poor people.
To keep their own music.