Warum nehme ich nicht ab?
Hallo, ich bin weiblich, 17 und 170cm groß und 70kg schwer. Ich versuche seit fast zwei Wochen abzunehmen und ja ich weiß dass es etwas dauert bis sich die anzeige auf der Waage verändert. Das Problem ist nur das ich anstatt abzunehmen zugenommen habe um 0,7kg. Ich bin sehr konsequent und immer im kaloriendefizit und gehe auch fast täglich ins gym. Ist das normal dass ich zunehme? Oder mache ich irgendwas falsch?
In the beginning, you build up muscles, and since the more weights you take a bit before you take off…
Besides, 0.7kg is not much. Something like that can be if you weighed up the first time in the morning and the second time in the evening.
many thanks to this has helped me very much:)
So after two weeks, of course, not much happens. The real weight loss that comes only after several weeks creeping.
I’m sure you’re going to the gym to make motorsports. Then you’ll put muscle mass in the first place.
Of course, you could do a lot of wrong or semi-optimal. For many, a ketogenic diet is beneficial. You can post what you usually eat.
So that depends on what my family cooks but usually I eat for breakfast yogurt or porridge, for lunch various salads and for dinner mostly meat and vegetables. As a snack, like apple, watermelon or grapes.
It can be that you have built up muscles that then of course also weigh.Sport is good and important but you can really lose weight just about the diet.What exactly is a calorie deficit with you?I know that sounds stupid but honestly is quite the only way you have increased that has not worked on your calorie deficit.But of course it can also be that you have drunked more last time before weighing.
You probably just build muscles.
Do something wrong.
Do not give any concrete information, no periods, nothing.
I have to believe you blindly, you’re in the calorie deficit.
I take 1364 kcal a day to me and that for 11 days and go 4 times a week for 60-90 min to gym for strength training and cardio
1300 is far too little if you also do sports…
You should take MINDESTENS 1500 kcal to you.
Oh, I didn’t realize how much would I have to take to me?