Warum müssen sich Tiere im Unterschied zu Pflanzen meist aktiv fortbewegen??
Hallo, ich hätte da mal 2 Fragen
a) Warum müssen sich Tiere im Unterschied zu Pflanzen meist aktiv fortbewegen?
b) Warum haben Pflanzen meist eine viel grössere äussere Körperoberfläche als Tiere?
Danke im Vorraus LG!
Because animals are unable to extract nutrients and water from the soil or to perform photosynthesis. And since eating doesn’t grow into the mouth, it’s necessary to move.
Because plants operate a completely different intake and utilization of water and nutrients than animals. Thus the leaves of the trees, which together form an incredibly large surface, are necessary for photosynthesis. Thus, they convert absorbed nutrients and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen with the aid of the chlorophyll present in their leaves and the UV radiation of the sun. Glucose is her food, and the oxygen you give off as a waste material. We can, in turn, need them to breathe well because we need oxygen for the utilization of our food and for the movement. And when we breathe, we again push carbon dioxide out of which the plants need.
There are also people who do not actively move, most of them are married or in a firm partnership, they are called Couchpotato
Because there are seasons and plants as well as some animals make winter sleep or lazy to the root away other animals flying in the south or penny in the cavity the rest must look for eating in the cold season after the plant gets the nutrients from the earth and sun and water from above the animal (as for example carnivores) must be found hunting or plant-eating.
Oh and the body surface is due to the fact that the animals must partially hunt or escape there is more mass in the normally unfavorable and less mass less surface, however, a plant must get as much sun as possible, which is favored by a higher surface.
This is the answer I’ve been looking for, many thanks!
Must prepare for an exam yes.
No ding seems to be bio homework, right?
They are completely different beings. How do you get that question? Why plants do not move away is clear: they are firmly rooted like man in most cases. Finally we are not nomads here, but build houses etc.
Animals have no roots to absorb salts and moisture, and can not pray photosynthesis to gain energy. They are also not pollinated by the wind or by insects and they are not self pollinators either. Therefore, they must move to find food and gender.
Plants perform photosynthesis, and a lot of area/sheet area is needed.
You’re wrong with the question:
Animals have to do not move actively, they have freedom to move actively can be.
Plants can be do not move freely because otherwise they would starve and thirst within a few hours.
Animals do not grow into the mouth, their survival instinct forces them to move. They don’t have freedom.
But they are not only 24/7 engaged in food search. Even animals have “free time”. You can also look at the area, just chasing around like this, playing, also ending and balzening.
There’s a lot more in there than there is. only search for food.