Why do you have to learn analysis in computer science studies?

The other math lectures (Discrete Structures, Linear Algebra, Discrete Probability Theory and Numerical Programming) are certainly relevant for the computer science program and their content is required by some other courses.

But I never needed analysis again. Why do they still torture students with it?

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1 month ago

In fact, only analysis bases should be laid in order then to be able to solve such things as Karush-Kuhn-Tucker, Fritz-John, etc. in the nonlinear optimization computer-assisted, otherwise maybe if you want to branch off into technical computer science and get to do it sometime with electricity.

4 months ago

ML is no longer to think away from most computer science applications. You should already have the theoretical basic knowledge to understand optimization, backprop and SGD.

You could even go further and claim that it is simply mathematical basic knowledge.

4 months ago

I could never understand why a certain “denk school” is perceived as a jelly. This form of utilitarianism is strange to me.