Warum muss man beim Zahnarzt eigentlich so lange auf einen Termin warten wenn man nicht privat versichert ist!?

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2 months ago

This also depends on the dentist and usually the cause. I usually don’t wait long with my dentist

So two weeks if it’s nix acute. Akut goes from today to tomorrow.

For the wisdom tooth OP at the surgeon I waited for about 2 months. But it wasn’t accurate, and so I was a priority among people, with acute complaints.

2 months ago

because they have a lot to do

2 months ago

So my dentist’s going to be pretty busy.

2 months ago

Because others want to use the dentist

2 months ago

I’ve never been to the dentist, in the opposite I’ll always be days before those are a bit later than you want to give me

And when I wore pain once with strong teeth, I was taken immediately

But generally in order to answer your question with private insurers, the dentist comes to his money more quickly because, depending on insurance, they pay for themselves in practice