Why do I have to pay additional taxes?
Hey, there's probably a simple explanation for this. But I can't figure it out. Here are the key facts.
Earned: ~15,700 €
Payroll tax paid: ~550 €
Flat rate for business expenses 2021: €1,000
Additional payment: 24 €
So, as far as I understand, I should get a refund of approximately €550 because the income tax I paid is below the flat-rate tax allowance for business expenses. I can't figure out why I have to pay additional taxes instead. I only had one job and didn't earn anything else or declare anything else on my tax return.
Thanks in advance for your help. 🙂
You may not have taken into account advertising costs. Additional costs of the apartment such as spa maintenance, master house, garden etc
Further cleaning of professional clothing. Travel costs. Evtl. catering expenses in case of replacement, etc.
Then my program comes to a refund
You just read the question half-heartedly, didn’t you?
You understand something completely wrong
Advertising costs (and thus also the flat-rate) reduce income from non-resident work (work wage) and thus your taxable income (zvE).
With the zvE, your to be paid ESt is set.
The calculation of the LSt is based on the assumption that you only have the employee’s fee and the special expenses cash amount, by means of which your income to be taxed is accepted and the advance payments in the form of the wage tax are deducted. As a rule, smaller deviations (as here 24€) can be quite possible.
If you don’t have any expenses (advertising costs, special expenses, extraordinary charges) you can’t reduce your zvE either and therefore no tax can be refunded.
According to your understanding… this may be so. According to my understanding, you obviously paid too little tax even after deducting the advertising fee package and must now repay.
Advertising costs are not deducted from wage tax, but reduce your taxable income.
Isn’t pay tax automatically deducted from pay? Did my employer deduct too little?
The AG pays only a “estimated” package. The fact that you have to pay there is still rather unusual.
I also have a high wage tax paid. But good, it depends on many factors. Maybe you should have that checked. You can also go to the FA and let you explain.
Probably yes
No – it is a total of the annual tax (ESt).
The wage tax is a source tax.
He knows that it doesn’t matter how much he pays in a month, but that it is calculated all year round (thus annual tax). The fact that it is deducted monthly depending on the merit does not change anything.
Nice tach.
What can the FS do with your false claim?
Pay tax is deducted monthly – thus no annual tax.
Look better into the law before you feed questioners with wrong information.
Yes, of course it is a
And what, do you think the questioner can start with it? Unless it’s a little confused with him again?
Wrong – wage tax is not an annual tax, but an advance payment to income tax.
Yeah, that’s okay. However, wage tax is an annual tax. Say, everything that is earned in the year is counted together.
Go to the side and give up everything that belongs to it.
I’ve always paid a few euros a month. In a month, however, I earned the double by a bonus and the majority of the wage tax comes from the month.