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1 year ago
  1. I love the language 🙂
  2. Great emotions
  3. (In love dramas) I find it great if there are some consequences until the two characters feed, not as in some US shows.
  4. There are many different dramas
  5. Attractive actors
  6. Great locations!
1 year ago

Yes I like K-Dramen

1. Narative: I like to treat the stories that have been completed here in general. There is always an end, even though some things are left open. The series is not constantly artificially extended in which you always hang a new season. Also, the script often comes from only one author or a very small group, which is beneficial to consistency. The characters are thus further developed. Even the by-cast often receives its own agenda and is not just a guide.

2. Technique: Qualitative are these series at a high level. Direction, set, equipment, lighting, cutting – everything is very professional and even at the CGI the dramas play on US levels.

3. Variety: K-Dramen cover many genres, or even combine some in one action. There’s something for everyone.

Cast: Superbeautiful actors who are excellent actors. I find it very nice how much they can express in particular with their mimic and thus communicate feelings completely without dialogue.

10 months ago

I like to see kdramen because the O.S.Ts of the individual consequences are really great.

On the one hand, many dragons convey values and above all the story is good and varied. Also the techniques they use are cool and look really real. It is also interesting in the dramas to find out about the country, culture and language. It’s funny to pick up words from a few scenes like Oppa,…

Of course, the actors and actresses are also a big point, which is why I look at kdramen.

7 months ago
  1. Because the actors look good!
  2. It’s a bit different from American series and stuff.
  3. The country and the other culture make it more interesting.

That would be my three best reasons why I look drama!