Warum mögen es Magersüchtige essen vorzubereiten welches sie aber nicht essen?
habe gehört das magersüchtige gerne essen zubereiten.
Stimmt das?
Wenn ja warum?
Ist das eine gute Mahlzeit für den Muskelaufbau
Und sind viiiiel gesünder oder?
Wenn ich das sage kommt immer nur das Leben ist kein Wunschkonzert
Bin 15 Jahre alt wiege aktuell 65kg und bin ein Junge. An einem Normalen Tag mach ich so 6.000-8.000 Schritte (An einem Schultag). Wie viel kcal sollte ich zu mir nehmen wenn ich so in 8 Monaten 60/55 wenigen würde. Würde halt gerne 5-10kilo weniger auf der Rippe haben. Schon Mal danke PS bin leicht…
Hallo, ich habe mir gestern Hähnchencurry mit Bismati Reis gekocht ca vor 24 Stunden. Danach habe ich die Pfanne in den Backofen gestellt, sprich es wurde nicht gekühlt.. Meint ihr das Essen ist noch essbar? Oder sollte es lieber weggeschmissen werden? Vielleicht sollte ich noch dazu erwähnen, dass ich eine Kokosmilch mit verwendet habe. LG
Yes, it is true that some people with magnificence enjoy preparing food without eating it themselves. The preparation of food can give them a sense of control over the entire eating process without having to expose themselves to fear or pressure to actually eat. It can also be a way to deal with the topic of food without experiencing the fear of weight gain associated with eating food. Often, a need for perfection and control also plays a role – raising meals makes it possible to deal with food that is perceived as less threatening. It is a behavior often associated with the psychic and emotional aspects of magnificence, such as the desire not to raze with the eager feelings and fears to confront food.
Because the magistrate tells her to eat! So that for this reason they prepare a delicious meal!
However, as their mind and their psyche are completely out of the fugues in terms of their diets, they then refrain from taking the prepared food too!
And show and prove with this procedure that they are mentally ill and not healthy, as they, underweight and often even life-threateningly underweight, as they are, are better starving through their sick psyche than eating healthy like a normal person – and urgently need therapeutic help by nutritionists and psychiatrists!
Because they see the food coming away without them having to eat them. In addition, if you have to eat, you have control over the amount and calories like nutrients.
Yeah, that’s true. People with magnificence like to prepare food for others because there is a sense of control and they can thus deal with food without consuming it themselves. It can also be a way to get through cooking for other recognition or confirmation while keeping their own food rules. This is less about enjoyment and more about distracting yourself emotionally or socially through preparation.
Perhaps they believe that only the smell can get them alive, so that they have to eat good conscience.
In the packs I see in the supermarkets and get smaller and smaller, I think the same, at some point nothing will be in it except a little smell. Who buys these packs, where isn’t enough to make a sparrow full? Pure money making from manufacturers when comparing price/content with large packs, safe, but someone obviously buys the stuff, people with pretty small stomachs.
Maybe it’s up to them who are dominant and want to exercise control. Who knows.