Warum mögen die meisten Menschen Kinder?

Kinder verursachen ihrer Mutter bereits bei der Geburt höllische Schmerzen. Sie kosten Unmengen Geld bis zum 18. Lebensjahr bzw bis Ende der Ausbildung. Sie sind in Extremfällen sogar bis 5 noch inkontinent. Sie fassen alles an, stecken es in den Mund und verteilen und übertragen so Bakterien. Selbst beim spielen müssen sie rumschreien. Sie meinen, den ganzen Tag die volle Aufmerksamkeit ihrer Eltern haben zu müssen. Trotzdem mögen Menschen Kinder. Warum?

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1 year ago


above all, the evolutionary reasons. They were simply planted in us by nature in such a way that we and want to reproduce. If we hadn’t, we would probably have died long ago.

In addition, many have the hope (or had the hope) that children will be given care for the parents later, so one generation helps the next. It used to be a success model, but it’s not going so well at the moment.

But personally, I cannot understand it (yet) too, I find children (especially small) and babies only strenuous and annoying without any “more value”. I don’t want to have kids right now and I hope that’s the way.


1 year ago

They look nice, until they may be 10 are generally also nice and not nasty and lazy. Then the binding hormone Oxytocin also deepens the relationship between mother and baby.

Children cause their mother already already in the birth of hellic pain.

Already at birth is good – and when?

1 year ago

Children cause their mother full pain at birth.

No, they don’t. The body of the mother causes itself pain to get the child out of itself. In the end, it is the same process that the woman with menstruation usually runs once a month: By drawing the muscles, the contents of the uterus are pressed out.

Only here just with a larger object the greater resistance offers and corresponding effort for the body.

They cost huge amounts of money until the age of 18 or until the end of the training.

Joah and now?

In extreme cases, they are even incontinent to 5.

I hope you’ll never get old. Incontinence at a certain age is not even so rare, especially in men.

They touch everything, put it in the mouth and distribute and transmit bacteria.

And of course you don’t. Do you always wash your hands properly when you touch a door latch, a holding bar or simply IRGENDWAS?

Even when they play, they have to scream.

Not all. And according to my experience, drunken teenagers or young adults are not better.

Small children are not who under the week when others need to work at night by half three to let their phone play on full-length some stupid rap music on public places. They’re sleeping at this time.

Nevertheless, people like children. Why?

Because childhood is a very special part of life and most children are relatively careless and relatively straight. I think it’s nice. Apart from that, of course, many of the reasons you have mentioned are not (alone) true to children, but sometimes even worse in adults.

1 year ago

Self-preservation. If no one wanted more children because “the burden would be unbearable” (if they were not in the rules), we would have died.

1 year ago

Your parents kind of like you, huh?

Even if you were naughty and dirty, they found you sweet

All you’re describing is a small negative effect of the child

But children give you so much. So much of unconditional love, so much of funny moments, so much beautiful memories that never fade.

Birth is great to hold a being in hand an indescribable feeling

I don’t want to miss my children and no. Up to five there was no “incontinent” if this is the case, something is wrong

Once puberty has reached its climax, it’s rough and it’ll be nice again 😁

We adults could learn a lot from the children if we were not so blinded

1 year ago

This is evolutionary. People want to grow. It’s not different in the animal kingdom.

1 year ago

Hormones. And they are completely dependent on others at first. I guess I don’t like kids.

1 year ago

If you don’t like kids, that’s why.

Nature just thought about your genetics: “the brake must be pure & must not be continued!”

No hahaha

Children are beautiful. If you educate them correctly, they are not as described by you, but unfortunately most parents fail.

It comes out of what you’re investing in.

1 year ago

Because it planted evolution in our genes. Also mammals like their little ones. If it weren’t, we wouldn’t have come out of the stage of the Lurche.

Google time after Kindchenschema.

1 year ago

If we didn’t like children, we wouldn’t be going to replant. Therefore, evolution has developed the “Welpenschutz”. So that we don’t kill children when they’re annoying us, but they love, teach, nourish and big move.

1 year ago

Many parents also hope that they will be well-appointed and well-maintained at the age … quite often a vain hope!

1 year ago

Why do most people like children?

Evolution. Those who do not like children and do not reproduce die out.

1 year ago
Reply to  Waldmensch70

That’s right.

1 year ago

Because most people don’t see this as pragmatic as you do.

1 year ago

Children show us things and perspectives for which you prefer to be too old and rusted!

1 year ago

Children are just the happiness of this earth and without young people would die humanity.