Warum möchte Yuta Yuji töten ?

Hallo, warum soll Yuji getötet werden von den anderen bzw. wieso denken die meisten, dass Yuji an dem Chaos schuld wäre, welches Sukuna angerichtet hat. Er hat ihn ja nicht herbeigerufen, sondern er wurde “versehentlich” hergerufen als er KO geschlagen war. Wieso sollte dann ein Befehl ausgerufen werden ihn zu töten?

Vorallem durch Yuta, ich meine Yuta hat damals sich selbst verflucht wodurch menschen gestorben sind, wieso darf er leben, aber Yuji nicht? Ich hoffe das macht sinn.

Lg danke schonmal

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3 months ago

In the first episode it was well explained why yuji should be executed. Only thanks to Gojo the execution was postponed, but in the meantime they tried to kill him.

In my knowledge, Yuta has not died, but has been seriously injured. He was also meant to be executed at that time, but he learned to control his strength. He also survived only thanks to Gojo.

Why Sukuna came out doesn’t matter whether accidentally or not. Fact is Sukuna came out and killed many people. So it happened exactly what you were afraid of. If Yuji had been executed earlier, it wouldn’t have happened. And because gojo now away there is no reason to push the execution further.

3 months ago

When Yuji is killed, Sukuna is finally dead (now apart from the other fingers). As an outsider, this seems to be a perfect plan… a dead man more or less is no matter when you get rid of Sukuna (thinks Yuta likely)