Warum möchte keiner in der Pflege arbeiten?
Ich habe das Gefühl dass es immer weniger Leute in der Pflege arbeiten möchten ..
Ich habe dieses Jahr meine Ausbildung als Kranpflegerin angefangen und bin sehr zufrieden mit der Ausbildung, außer vlt am Sonntag zu arbeiten oder das sehr frühe Aufstehen aber gehört halt dazu und es ist OKEY.
Aber allgemein finde ich den Job toll und werde natürlich nach der Ausbildung als Kranpflegerin weiter arbeiten .
Leider merke ich dass es immer Personal Mangel gibt und z.b keiner aus meiner Schule wollte eine Ausbildung als Kranpfleger/in machen und das finde ich sehr traurig ….
Warum ist es so ? Warum sind es nur so wenige Menschen die es machen möchten ..
Ich für mein Teil finde den Job mega schön klar gibt es auch wie bei anderen Berufe auch paar nicht so schöne Seiten aber alles in einem ist der Job doch toll oder nicht ?
Reasons are the excessive physical and psychological stress, is a “bone job”, hard, heavy physical work. is paid too badly. Too many overtimes that one or two nurses have to take care of 15 or 20 nurses at once, that they often have too little time for the individual executions, because the nursing fund no longer pays and the care key, as it is called, is too low per person. The working conditions are often unreasonable, such as double layers, too little break, hardly vacation, often have to work through 2 weeks on a piece without having a free day. Not everyone gets to work with seriously ill, nursing or dying people. Some people don’t get the death of people either. I got that with acquaintances and neighbors, or also outpatient caregivers etc. Budgetary assistance from nursing services that were with me were entrusted to me some. But I also know 2 people who are currently undergoing nursing training and who enjoy training. One of them makes my care outpatient. There are also those who want to work in the profession and have fun.
The salary is by no means alone. A specialist earns between 3,000 and 3,800 plus. Christmas money and tax-free shift allowances. Ascent is easily possible.
Many are deterred that the profession is seen as disgusting. You usually hear, “toll that you do, but I couldn’t.”
Shiftwork is at least a problem for older colleagues, and there is stress. A very extensive training is also necessary for the specialist.
However, there are also advantages. You don’t sit all day, get a lot of positive feedback. The proportion of migrants in the job is very high. For them it is a possibility to social ascent.
Ultimately, there is no other way to organize work differently. Simple activities such as bed-making must be carried out by auxiliary staff, simple medical tasks can also be taken over by fishing assistants. Low skilled personnel are easier to find, but the problem of German knowledge remains. The work in care always consists of communication.
An African woman comes to me as a nurse and she can perfectly German.
I guess everyone will have their own reasons.
My are:
The list of “I want”/ “I don’t want” after which I decided for my job has some other points but that would exclude the care.
Other people may have other points.
Potential further points can be:
I once read somewhere that is the permanent suspension and consequently the number of patients/customers you have and can no longer properly supply people to switch out of the area.
My wife is an old man. For almost 40 years. She likes to do her job. What disturbs them: the writing stuff that takes time to take care of the needy.
Too little money? No. As a exam, the reward is not bad. But: the alternating layers, the reduction and the enormous workload are reasons that make the job very strenuous. In addition to the typical “exclusive” symptoms such as body excretions and blood, as well as death constantly around itself…
“But the alternating layers, the reduction and the enormous effort are reasons that make the job very strenuous.”
Precisely for reasons and certainly even more, the reward is still bad, even if it is not little if you are long in the profession. As a professional beginner, it is dog-miserabel.
I find it very pleasing that you do this job yes, but for what reasons the least it is a physical and it carries psychic work will not be too well paid I have had experiences with a neighbor here where I live in the high house, she was in the children’s cancer clinic in Nuremberg and in Erlang and that was too much psychic for her what you have seen and experienced this is cruel to older people too!
Nuremberg u. I know him very well. I didn’t live too far away from it. But Bavaria, or yes, Franken is very special. The workmates, among others, the chiefs of doctors, etc. Distinguishing staff more than those concerned themselves. The hospitals in Franken or Bavaria don’t care, a pure gray. I was in NRW once in the hospital, not a comparison. They are equally affected by the so-called health policy, but there is more heart and joy in the profession than in Bavaria, yes or, last Franken. I hadn’t worked in the professions, but as a patient or a caregiver you get some with or even enough. That’s what I had to do. I also noticed that the payment in Bavaria/Franken is worse than in NRW or BW. In this professional division, I noticed that I was already on the part of the profession I did training and worked. In BW I got 300 DM more for the same year of training at that time than in Bavaria/Franken I continued the same year of training only because I moved to Bavaria/Franken from BW onwards. There were much worse working conditions than in BW. It had familial reasons why I moved to Bavaria/Franken during training. I haven’t worked in NRW yet. However, if I have already been in Bavaria/Franken through the poor training and training Working conditions have become ill and incapable of working, so that I have been raising EU pension for decades, which is permanent. Care and medical care works much better in NRW than in Bavaria/Franken. Apparently there are differences from the federal state to the federal state. I also know some who have fun in their profession or in their training in care, although the health laws of health policy are the same nationwide. Apparently, people deal with it differently. It is not everyone’s business, but it must be. What would we do in need of care only if there were no nurses and no youngsters. But I think that you still have respect for these people who practice this profession, even if you could not. I couldn’t, but it’s also a difference whether you work in the hospital or nursing home, or in a nursing service. Then it also depends on which station and in which area of the hospital you work, among other things whether it is adults or children. In children, this would also take me much more than in adults, because children do not have the mind, such as adults, so that they can fully grasp, understand and utilise it, as adults, whether adults are older or not. But even in adults, I find it just as bad if they are in such bad health conditions, just before dying and how cancer is being handled. I find it. dreadfully, when you tell a dying sick person how long he has to live, taking any strength, courage, hope and faith, so that you can reject life for a person. As if a person, in the case, a doctor knew exactly when a person must die. For such reasons, I couldn’t practice the profession. I knew two men. At one, the poor said that he had only a few months to live. He wasn’t 80 yet. Doctors were mistaken. The man was about 90 years old and lived for years. I don’t know if he’s still alive and how old he is or became, which I don’t know, because I moved away from Bavaria/Franken. But the man lives in Erlangen when he still lives. Another man had cancer, among others, said the doctors to him that he had to live until March (though several years ago) and he died already in January (then), even earlier than the doctors indicated it. That would be quite true reasons for me not to be able to exercise the profession if I were forced to support such a thing, to have to tell people, to say very rough, to say “when their life clock has expired”. There is no need to say more.
Yes, I know what you mean the hospital in this city where I can get here 45 km from Nuremberg has a very bad reputation, first the doctors up there have also been funny starting to do much, yes I just don’t have to let it please because I didn’t say hello or good morning, and then this assistant doctor rams me the needle so pure blood loss because he didn’t find a few there you already know about butter. She what I sign and I go that says the no she stays I go old enough exclusion but this has not only been the individual case with me but also with my older brother the same it is unbelievable catastrophic conditions even from over 30 or 40 years old the same yes Franken Bayern is once again the greatest catastrophe of all the federal states that is unfortunately correct, and if you were to say the truth then you are being fooled with me but sometimes
I did not know the whole thing about you, too, but I did not know what to do with my usual environment would be a bit difficult, that does not belong to this issue, but that in Bavaria I did not have to say to my mother that I had not said to myself
Then prefer to move to NRW. In Wanne- Eickel that belongs to Herne u. between Bochum u. Herne is, is a totally good hospital called St. Anna, or even in Herne himself, a Marienhospital at the Hölkeskampring. There was an acquaintance from me ambulant, regularly there and acquaintance from me stationary and they were fully satisfied. One from the neighborhood I live, it also recommended to my acquaintance. Then there is a hospital, even in Herne, in Wiescherstraße. That’s what got me two acquaintances. I only had to go to the hospital in St. Anna u. I had a very good experience. The staff and doctors are all right. I was stationary at the Gatroenterologsichen station and was also often outpatient in radiology to MRT. I’d go back at any time. Then there is another hospital, also in Wanne- Eickel, which belongs to Herne, which is the evangelical hospital. There I was ambulatory in radiology at the MRT and that was also fun. They did the MRT very well, and they did not play because I was slightly late. Maybe they’re looking for staff. Having apartments is not particularly difficult here either. My former friend and I got an apartment with rent contract and that still in the EC within one month. We don’t regret being pulled here. It’s much better. There are also people or doctors to whom one cannot tell the truth, how to stop everywhere, but as bad as in Franken or Bavaria it is absolutely not. Perhaps a federal state and local change is worthwhile. It was worth it with us. There are also bad guys, but also many good people. I live at the Stadrand in Bo… at Wanne- Eickel, which belongs to Herne. There is a lot of walking distance, but 2 tram lines and several bus lines also drive there. There are also many car drivers. Yes in Franken even in Bavaria, many hospitals have a bad reputation. Is sometimes the case in Bochum, but they also have many good hospitals. In the hospital I was among the house and the house. I’ve been a specialist, and I’ve been able to take the blood off. This doesn’t work like that for doctors and hospitals in Franken. I did the experience too. The more positively surprised I was how good the doctors themselves, but also the speaking-time aids and nurses could sting blood. Branülen put like the butterfly and for infusions works very well. They don’t make such a theater here in NRW if not running round and smooth. When I was at St. Anna Hospital, my arm swelled strongly in the Beuge and there were severe pain. It also bleededed. It was a beef for infusions, preparation for intestinal reflection the next early. I accidentally hang hanging lying when I liked to wear the jacket out of pder. I called the sister with the ring button. It wasn’t a test. She pulled the needle and the next day she put a new needle on the wrist as I wanted. That worked out. There was no theatre. When something like that happened to me in Bamberg at the Bug clinic, when I was living in Bamberg at the time, they did the theater because they had to get the doctor’s willingness. They had no idea. Mürrisch u. unfriendly, genervt u. übellaungi, reluctantly dragged the needle and put me a new needle. But as they pierced, thank God I was lying on the bed. This would not have happened at St. Anna Hospital in Wanne- Eickel near Herne, behind Bochum. There are regional and supraregional differences.
I’ve been working in care for over 30 years.
The profession is unattractive until it goes no longer. This is why there is a huge lack of nurses.
There are also advantages:
tame, it’ll stop.
It is a very beautiful and important profession that I have so far loved to do. But I must look at something else, because I don’t know if I still keep this extremely enormous workload through the next 11 years until retirement. It’s usually just madness.
Worked well a year ago on the inside and then changed because it was no longer to be held. This has nothing to do with nursing, that was only the most pure damage limit. There were weekends where the whole body care was rubbed off from the butt and incontinence material changed at bed-smoothing pat. There was no more time. Just go to scratch.
And there’s Karlchen’s Minister of Health wondering that no one wants to work in care. Just that one would have to work for at least 1/2 year for our salary in care.
So working in care can be quite exhausting and some do not have the nerves or have other dream professions. But you still have a lot of success
His work like to do is fun and this leads to success and this is even more fun.
Most people just want to study and everywhere they lack skilled workers. I also find the profession of a nurse good, but one must be suitable for this.
I think that’s great that you’re so brave with the early rise and make you a lot of friends.
Most of them because of the heavy overload, because they actually have to work for two, patients die because no one has time to go to the emergency call…. that’s not all just gone.
No – he is not (toll the job). You can earn your money much easier – and more in the same time. This is generally known.
It’s nice if you like your job. It’s not everyone’s business. And no one should do the job that doesn’t want to do it! This is a lot of commitment. Not everyone! But this is not a word – but a fact. There are enough people who have taken a job that does not fit them. This can have fatal consequences.
In my circle of friends, 4 work in care.
Bad working hours, little money. These are the main arguments.
I thought about it, but not under night shift. My offer was that I would like to go on weekends and on holidays. The answer was no, it doesn’t fit in our plans. I don’t understand, because there are many people who prefer to go to the night, but want to have free on weekends. Well, Germany and his gypsum management again.
Disadvantages of the nursing profession:
They often have to make 2 layers etc. 2 stations at once and often do not even have time to care for patients or customers or residents. Often they have to work for 2 weeks without having to leave in between. I’ve heard it more often than I’ve got it. However, I still think it is good that there are still people who want to work in such unloved profession and have fun and joy in it or get trained for it. Because these people must also exist. There’s something going on if no one else would work in care. Then we really have a problem. Because one could not occupy the open places with loud migrants.
My mom is totally up in that job, and I’m proud of it… but it wouldn’t be anything for me.
irregular working hours
poor pay
you have to do with disease, Siechtum and death
you have to do with body excretions
difficult patients are the same as pleasant patients
The current staff keys broke everything. It cannot be that 50 or 75% forces are counted as full head.
There’s the requirement for 5 people and you’re occupied – 100, 100, 75, 75, 50. Great! There is everything on the paper, but there is no complete full-time power. This leads to stress, revision and the self-made problem of the service providers. If a person fails, you have the hut at the fire and then resort to service providers who quickly take 10,000€ per month for a remedy. If I were in care, I would also only work on service providers and go home laughing at 6,000-7,000 brutto. 35 days holiday, schedules with influence, no “jumping”.
Otherwise, the activities and working hours are not everyone’s thing. In combination with the rather average pay for direct employment in facilities, the overall package is less good than for other jobs.
Too little staff (sometimes due to lack of skilled workers, but the last few decades due to profitability), alternating layers, double layers, you ruin the body (sleep rhythm because alternating layers or the cross because once again there was no second to get the patient out of bed with a lifting device and you did it without), something like that.
For the job you do, you simply get paid too little and valued. This counts for almost all social professions.
heavy physical work, badly paid, shift and weekend work
No one wants to work anymore
Plus heating: gez. Health insurance . School money . First equipment . Usw. Doesn’t pay to work anymore. 40,000.- Cash for a family per year. 50 percent are now migrants from the 5-10 mio. Numbers vary according to medium .
That’s madness. I’m gonna rip my ass up over both ears and get a few more euros than if I’m gonna cash out the money and get my ass on the sofa. No wonder nobody wants to work anymore.
Reasons why I find a job in the nursing odour sucking: