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The power rush. The noise to dominate someone, etc.
These are dangerous feelings that can be quite mistaken. People with enough brains also recognize this and avoid these feelings.
But there are also people who get into it.
I have paid it back to many bullies at the time. At some point, I was the mobber of the bulls…
This feeling of “Rache” or justice was, as I said, intoxicating. It was really fun to let these types taste their own suppe.
I also exaggerated in part. As I said, the feeling is good and takes one for yourself if you don’t care.
I realized that I wasn’t better than the monsters I fought. Even if I did it out of good intention.
But well.
Like I said. This feeling is very intoxicating and feels good. That’s the dangerous thing.
This is power and self-examination by harassing and humiliating others. The more often they succeed and nobody goes in, the more they drive it.
At school, I was very pampered for my appearance. I had summer sprouts and red hair. Also, I was a bit stubborn and, unfortunately, I am not the brightest. Always was the worst student in class. I was called “Pumuckl”, “Feuermelder”, “Leuchtturm” or “Rotkäppchen” or “Flecki” (because of summer sprouts). My hair was also called a straw that grows from my head. I was also often beaten on the school or schoolyard and put in a garbage can. Also, I was forced to kiss the upperbully’s feet, which was the absolute humiliation for me. When I asked about the reason for all this, I was told, “because you’re ugly” or “because you’re stupid.” Since I was very shy, anxious and insecure and was very ashamed of being a victim, I’ve let all this happen about me and told no one about it!
I’ve never done it myself and I’d never do it. No one should go through this.
Mobbing is a buzzword with which everything and nothing can be meant. It is often abused to avoid punishments for abuses.
Because they always find sacrifices that cannot escape them. And because teachers often do nothing about it. Normally, one would have to remove the mobbers from this school, send them apart to other schools (only united are mobbers strong), instead there are often enough victims who are sent elsewhere, and the mobbers are simply looking unhindered the next victim.
Because they are probably not satisfied with themselves and then make others down
Because school as a social situation offers an excellent opportunity.
In the vast majority of cases to cover their own weaknesses and to deal with their frustration.
Because it’s stupid, they don’t want to understand how much they’re degrading themselves with it!