Warum macht schärfe nase frei?

Meine nase ist heute total verstopft

jetzt hab ich 2 Chillis gegessen die richtig geil scharf waren und nun ist meine nase wieder total frei…

warum ist das so?

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1 year ago

It’s a secret to wash out potential danger. Sharp is nothing more than a pain irritation and your body wants as little of it as possible.

1 year ago

because the sharpens the trenches into the eyes and the eyes are connected with a fine tube into the rake space and thus also into the nose. therefore, besides the drinking one also has a sniefnase after sharp eating, is “free flushed”

1 year ago

Since the mucous membranes of the nose are better bleededing with sharp food, the mucous membrane dissolves and you are freed of a clogged nose.

also an idea Menthol > Eucalyptus gums.

1 year ago

Explain Google very impressively here:

In colds, sharp food can have a slimming effect. This also depends on the vascular expansion effect of capsaicin. Because the mucous membranes of the nose are better bleeding in sharp food, the mucous membrane dissolves and you are freed of a clogged nose

1 year ago

That’s why I appreciate GF and those users like you, dear Karl. You learn new exciting things every day. 🙃

1 year ago
Reply to  upbrunce

You know, I’d like to share my knowledge with the FS, but who am I writing that? The users who want to help you most and can be simply blocked…

1 year ago

I have to admit, I envy backagain (and also some other GF institutions) meanwhile. I was always taught to take care of the most important thing first. Then one fights his life with oneself and rings with all the others, grumping about becoming, growing and transience. And then ask other questions like “Freut horses when they are allowed to ride” or “Why does the chilischote clear the nose” and I always think these people have to go through with all the important stuff… Ja, envy is the right word.

1 year ago

Interesting then is that she has so many friends here, and they don’t seem to know that they’re being run by her… uh… on her nose. Right, as soon as they find out, they’ll be blocked…

1 year ago

But, her good friend Motodingens has already given the right answer as I have seen. Almost as flotted as I am. 😅 Only I will not get the impression that the FS does not interest the answers at all. Well, isn’t the most urgent issue, I agree with her for once…

1 year ago

Hello backagain,

this is a biological reaction.

Lg yours u