Warum macht die Anti Pickel Creme noch mehr Pickel?

Ich benutze seit 5 Tagen eine Anti Pickel Creme von Weleda, so ein 3 in 1 Peeling, aber irgendwie werden es immer mehr Pickel und langsam ist mein ganzes Gesicht voll damit… 😑

Ist das normal und bessert sich das erst nach ein paar Tagen, oder sollte ich vielleicht nach einer anderen Creme suchen?

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8 months ago

Always make sure that you use it as described in the back to your question, there are often so-called first-glowing, these last about 2-4 weeks, after these maximum 4 weeks, the skin should only become better. The initial merging is always a sign that the products work only if this merging goes longer than these 27days, it can be that the product is really bad or not fits you.

It is important to change its skin care products often because it also makes the skin even worse, so try to test products for several months and then decide whether to help or not😊

5 months ago

It is not unusual that the skin initially reacts when you use a new product, especially for anti-pickel creams. This can be the ingredients that balance the skin or clean the pores. It is often better after a few days, but if the situation does not improve, it might be useful to try another product.

To improve your skin naturally, you can try:

  1. Aloe Vera: Has soothing and healing properties. Apply fresh aloe vera gel to the affected areas.
  2. Honey: Has antimicrobial properties. You can use it as a face mask and let it act for 20 minutes.
  3. tea tree: Diluted applied to the pimples, it can help reduce inflammation.
  4. oats: A paste of oat flakes and water can gently extort and soothe the skin.

Make sure not to overcare your skin and drink enough water!

8 months ago

The cream is not formulated with low irritation. It could be that you’re looking for one of the ingredients.

For example alcohol denat., menthol, perfume, fragrances.

In addition, salicylic acid is present, this should be used as a peeling 1-4xtgl, but not daily as a cream.

6 months ago

Industrial sales stop.

Take IchtylanSalbe from the pharmacy

3 months ago

Yes in the beginning makes it more pickel