Warum machen sie es?

Warum geben Leute Geld für Drogen aus?

Viele Leute am Bahnhof betteln immer um geld und sagen, dass sie es für Drogen brauchen. Sie sagen immer, sie seien süchtig, oder so.

Glaube ich aber nicht . Sie können ja einfach aufhöhren, oder?

würde mich wirklich interessieren

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1 year ago


if you have a addiction, especially a drug addiction, it’s not that you can just stop, because the addiction will definitely be one.

This is a very long process and hard work to overcome a addiction and then you remain addicted for a lifetime, you just have to watch that you can keep the addiction asleep, which is why alcoholics for example can’t drink for their lives to get back immediately. LG:)

1 year ago

The drug has entered her body system. Without drugs, they’re on the wheel. That’s the addiction that hits her.

1 year ago

If you could just stop, you don’t need withdrawal clinics, etc.

Drugs work, you can never forget. If my whole life is complete shit, I don’t count on the beautiful feeling of the drug.

1 year ago
Reply to  HerbertG3511

Well, you can believe what you want, but reality still looks different.

1 year ago

If you’re not addicted, you can’t understand how it is and what it does with a person. Do you really think if it were so easy to stop these people would not do this and continue to live as they do now?

1 year ago

I don’t think so.

Nobody forces you to believe it. But if a drug addict tells you he’s addicted, there’s no reason to believe it.

You can just raise up, right?

No. They can’t.

1 year ago

Because they’re addicted

Many drugs make mentally or mentally dependent, you can’t just stop

1 year ago

Believe it or not. Physical dependence is detectable. Haha.