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Probably for the same reason because they have no financial means.
Often such people have at least one debility, so they do not see the responsibility that a child brings, but only the money they receive from our state through the child.
Probably because their thoughts are not so far enough or because they simply do not prevent sex and then the child comes
1. Adults are written with a large E.
Money is important, but not everything. Children need love, not the latest technology. Understanding and care.
Don’t you think that parents don’t care about it?
I was a single earner. My son went out school trips and other things. What I could do, I made it possible.
He was in nothing with other children. Then the parents don’t buy the latest one, and they don’t give up on vacation more often.
So, 1. What do you mean poor?
2. if everyone knew this for themselves and I find it more important that I give my child rather than the latest iphone
I don’t know anyone who makes adult children.
You should think and think for yourself first and foremost. Use condoms and be careful