Warum machen manche erwachsene Kinder obwohl sie wissen das das Kind in Armut aufwachsen wird da sie keine finanziellen Mittel haben?

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1 year ago

Probably for the same reason because they have no financial means.

Often such people have at least one debility, so they do not see the responsibility that a child brings, but only the money they receive from our state through the child.

1 year ago

Probably because their thoughts are not so far enough or because they simply do not prevent sex and then the child comes

5 months ago

1. Adults are written with a large E.

Money is important, but not everything. Children need love, not the latest technology. Understanding and care.

Don’t you think that parents don’t care about it?

I was a single earner. My son went out school trips and other things. What I could do, I made it possible.

5 months ago
Reply to  Pedi63

He was in nothing with other children. Then the parents don’t buy the latest one, and they don’t give up on vacation more often.

1 year ago

So, 1. What do you mean poor?

2. if everyone knew this for themselves and I find it more important that I give my child rather than the latest iphone

1 year ago

I don’t know anyone who makes adult children.

1 year ago

You should think and think for yourself first and foremost. Use condoms and be careful