Warum lügen Therapeuten einen an?

Warum geben Therapeuten einem falsche Hoffnungen auf eine bessere Zukunft die es nie geben wird?

Wie soll ich denn als Autist jemals selbständig Leben können ohne gesetzliche Betreuung?

Das ist falsche Hoffnung. Wie soll ich als Autist jemals eine Ausbildung machen, jemals eine vernünftige Arbeit haben?

Wie soll ich als Autist irgendwie funktionieren? Und es gibt nicht mal eine Heilung.

Trotzdem geben Therapeuten falsche Hoffnungen, das irgendwann magisch alles mal besser sein wird, warum?

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7 months ago

How am I supposed to work as an autist?

You don’t have to work. Living your way is not wrong, it is merely not a majority expression.

The therapist has his thoughts, which he may think is correct, without having to vote. He’s just a human being. Like me, like you.

7 months ago

nothing is magically better, but the therapists do not promise. They promise that they will help you get your life better under control with hard work. And you can, even if you’re autist.

7 months ago

Why do therapists give a false hope for a better future that will never exist?

How do you know? You don’t cooperate when it comes to helping you.

How can I ever live independently as an autist without legal care?

How many other autists?

That’s false hope. How should I ever make an education as an autist, ever have a reasonable job?

How many other autists? My mum also teaches autists in companies, some of which are the inclusion companies, some of which are quite normal businesses… they can work quite well.

Surely this can’t be JEDER, but usually professionals have a certain expertise somewhere and can appreciate you a bit far.

Nevertheless, therapists give false hopes that will eventually be magically all better, why?

Never told me a therapist.

What they say is that there is the POTENTIAL that everything will be better… but you also have to get out of the quark and do what. No one tells you that everything you want suddenly falls from heaven or that you wake up one morning and you are the best profit player in the world…

But that’s all right, even therapists.

7 months ago

It’s possible.

The only thing you miss


to work on yourself.

I have a good friend from the Asperger spectrum.

She has trained as a machine designer, who usually lasts four years in just two years, passed and works independently in the electrification of SBB, the Swiss Railway.

She is an autist – and she has one Will.

7 months ago

Because you’re supposed to kick yourself in the ass! If you are passively leaning back and believe that the others present you everything on the silver platter, including all the problems, you will fail. You don’t want to do anything for reasons?

7 months ago

Well, if you tell the truth, that’s not motivating.

7 months ago

Because you can easily perceive these things.

7 months ago
Reply to  RolandRoller

This is true they are not to blame anyone

7 months ago

Oh, so now you’re an Autist.


7 months ago

This is their task

I also know many autists who are alone living and self-employed

7 months ago
Reply to  Floris1914

Of course, this is to be judged by every individual, but to exclude it is not