warum lerne ich automatik?
hi. ich bin für auto fahren mit schaltgetrieb angemeldet (kein b179!!). trotzdem habe ich bis jetzt 5 stunden automatik fahren gelernt. ist das normal so, dass man das machen muss? wenn ja, wie viele stunden automatik müssen denn gemacht werden, damit ich endlich schalter fahren darf?
(würde gerne antworten haben, bevor ich da nachfrage, vllt hat jemand von euch so eine erfahrung oder weiß ähnliches)
tausend dank schonmal
If you are registered on manual transmission, you should also drive on manual transmission. And nothing else!!!!
The justification for knowledge of road transport is caps. The cooperation between driving and changing gears in normal road traffic is what you need to learn.
Contact the driving school line directly and point out that you want to learn gearshifts and are also logged in. And reject any further driving hour on an automatic drive.
You can also threaten to change your driving gear if necessary. It helps sometimes. A change of driving school means that you have to repay the basic fees at the new driving school. On the other hand, these useless rides on a vehicle with automatic drives also cost you a lot of money.
If I want to change the driving school, it will be too expensive
You don’t have to change it, but you can change it into the room. This is called negotiation tactics.
At a new driving school, you’d have to pay the registration fee again. That would be your decision.
Oh, okay.
I see you can’t play poker. Forget the proposal or keep it in mind.
For example, if you say, “I need to think about whether I don’t even ask for another driving school,” you don’t say you want to change, but just think about it. Where’s your problem?
But then I would make an even worse impression on the driving instructor when I talk about a possible change and then not change. And then the driving hours would not be so easy
In general training on automatic, there is no requirement to complete part of it on automatic. If you only want to learn on a hand switch, you will in principle drive from the first to the last hour on the hand switch including the test.
Less and less driving schools offer a pure training on the hand desk, simply because it has no real meaning or added value for the students. The training with B197 has become the standard, included min. 10 hours on the hand switch with a short test which the driving instructor takes off and thus gives the confirmation that the student was trained on hand switches and that this is controlled.
In principle, the B197 has only advantages while laying stones in the way of regular training on the hand switch itself. In particular, the examination offers the advantage of being able to deposit it on the automatic system. This is particularly helpful in the extended test period to 55 minutes because the student can concentrate significantly better on driving and testing.
However, if you want a regular training purely on the hand switch, then the driving school or the driving instructor will also be able to do this. You’re the student, you pay for being trained, so you’re free to learn.
The reason why your current driving school might initially give you the training on the automatic system should be that you have made it so much easier in the initial phase, so you will be easier to get used to the road. Especially traffic monitoring is so much easier for you, you don’t have to focus on switching for the first time.
In principle, this is not a bad method to train the pupils because it is made easier for the pupil to work in pieces through the training. There were many driving schools that made it similar before the B197 control and started the first driving hours on the automatic system and as the traffic monitoring and co. as far as it was learned, it went over to the manual switch.
It may handle your current driving school exactly the same, but you can only ask if you ask your instructor how his training plan looks for you.
An option that I think would be:
The driving school lets you learn on the automatic vehicle to control the car safely. Many are still very difficult to keep the car safe in the track, with multitasking etc.
With the automatic car, at least the switching is lost and you can concentrate better on the essential. You can learn how to use the gear later.
I think it’s useful. But it only helps to catch up with the driving school, maybe someone got something wrong.
There’s a lot of new things coming at once. That’s why I don’t find it wrong when the first hours take place with automatic. You can get used to traffic and steering without having to worry about switching, which is initially a stress factor.
@TheMonkfood. It’s caps and money making. That’s all.
That’s your view. That’s why it’s not caps and neither wrong.
I think so.
That’s it. Don’t worry.
We have different perspectives. :
It seems meaningless to me and I have never heard of it.
Please complain to your instructor about it . Probably a mistake .
Because the hardest thing in learning is to learn this switching technique to automate..
It wasn’t with me or with people I know.
I’d ask you in the driving school…
You have to ask, that’s not normal.
You should ask your instructor.
I have, but don’t get a clear answer because he’s new
You don’t get an answer?
Driving school change.!
Then ask someone in the driving school who is competent enough.
do not go, have already started driving with car, and I think that could be expensive.