Warum lebt man in Deutschland so gut (mehr Einkommen wenig Ausgaben)?

Die Gehälter in Deutschland sind hoch und alles ist billiger als in vielen anderen EU Ländern wie zb. Österreich, Belgien, Dänemark,…

In DE fahren viele Luxus Autos wie zb Mercedes, BMW, Porsche, Audi,.. und alle jung.

In Österreich sind die Autos teurer und Lebensmitteln, Pflegeprodukte usw sehr teuer. In Oberösterreich kostete ein 8er ORAL-B Aufsteckbürste 30€ bei uns nur 18€.

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3 years ago

“In DE, many luxury cars like Mercedes, BMW, Porsche, Audi, and all young.”

Many of these cars belong not to the young drivers but to the bank.

3 years ago
Reply to  WECoyote

And yet the young driver must cover the not insignificant loss of value of a premium new car. These are fast €600-1000 per month.
Whoever wants to move every 3 years doesn’t buy a new property and then sells it again -> rent is here the magic word and leasing is rent

2 years ago

I think you have completely wrong ideas about how many of us with low income have to get over the rounds. Little expenditure?

We have to pay in comparison with other countries with the highest taxes and charges.

Have you ever researched how many Hartz IV recipients, how many unemployed we have in Germany?

How many families who don’t even have the money to finance the school trip for their children.

Did you notice that the queues on the boards are getting longer and longer?

All these top-class cars you see on the roads that are not the property of the drivers, but are financed or leased through loans.

If all cars that drive around with us and are not yet paid for had green color, then the roads would be full of green cars.

3 years ago

Well, there are estimated about 4 million people in Germany who live in precarious conditions and once again so many who also have to close at the end of the month.

If these people have “Glück” there are still potatoes, noodles or rice today – without supplement it goes without saying.

3 years ago

What are you talking about? We’ve been able to cope with the high taxes and tax burden around the world, but it’s rather a small one. Statistics are even beautified by little very rich.

many have credits or leasing contracts run for their chic car.

3 years ago

Question Text is not quite correct.In FRG you spend more money.

And you don’t deserve too much.How do you get that??

3 years ago

Haha, the question is just as clichéd as we say: Doesn’t matter if the mountain doctor can afford only a 1979 Benz and his girlfriend only an older Peugeot 304. He must open his practice in Germany. Or a bank in Switzerland.

3 years ago

You walk through Germany with a tunnel view, and you see all the people who do not correspond to your cliché.

3 years ago
Reply to  AntiKriegsmann

I’m still staying with you.

In addition, you do not look at a car whether paid or a loan has been received for it.

3 years ago
Reply to  AntiKriegsmann

This is tunnel view. On the highway you don’t meet the people who can’t afford a car.

3 years ago

You’re rolling around.

3 years ago

They’re going 120-130, like you, so you’re getting over expensive cars…

3 years ago

Yes, you see them. But of course there are many employees of the car industry in Germany alone who drive cars.

In addition, there are many people who have a car and get financed through the company. These are usually not smarts.

3 years ago

Germany is better. But too greedy. Better the cosiness of Austria.

3 years ago

This is going to change through greens.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nora700

Huh? What does a party have to do with it?

3 years ago

Because the Germans are Geizhälse. In the long term, the environment and the climate are destroyed.

3 years ago
Reply to  GlobalAviator

Magnificent, your general submission.

3 years ago
