Warum leben wenn man auch sterben könnte?
Ich komm nicht klar mit mir selber. Ich bin ziemlich am Ende mit meinen selbstbewusstsein. Ich habe mir dise Frage jetzt auch in paar Mal gestellt. Nicht weil ich suicide begehen will, sondern weil ich mich einfach unzufrieden fühle. Unzufrieden Iden mit meinen äußeren mit meinen Gedanken und meiner aktuellen Situation. Daher wollte ich wissen was habt ihr am leben was gefällt euch am leben und warum lebt ihr ?
I like having tasks in my life. I have my family to take care of. I have my work for which I have to get up early. Responsibility to my children. Uzw.
a day of itself. Of course, there are also problems, as with everyone else, which must of course be solved. It’s bad.
“But there’s nothing bad where there’s something good about it”
it doesn’t really read out why you think so. But it can be trained to make your self-confidence stronger.
Try it in everyday life, at small things in life, at shopping, at doctors or work…
Appearance is also always a thing of looking at, maybe a new hairstyle or new clothes, sometimes makes a lot.
p.s. For professional advice, there are telephone numbers and contact points that are better able to help you with this and can help you safely. All right!
Cool haha
What the “cool haha” for an answer to such a sensitive topic?! I don’t understand…
Because there are enough reasons to live. So much you haven’t seen, so much you haven’t experienced. Travel, pets, love…. So much for which it is worth living. Everyone has his ups and downs. It is just important at the end of the day to see the postual things in life.
And if you need someone to write because you don’t feel good and you need someone to talk… I’m here.
Thank you.
Very welcome 🙂
I’m just like you.
Uhh exactly like that, what’s upset you let me help you xD
If you are unsatisfied, change what: https://www.instagram.com/reel/DCgM1i1owxI/?igsh=MjNmcTM1ZXpvbXYx
I wanted to know what it is worth