Warum lässt sich der Vergaser nicht richtig einstellen?

Hallo liebe User, ich habe ein Problem bei meiner Suzuki Katana 50. Er springt an, der E-Choke aktiviert sich bis er dann von der Drehzahl Runter geht. Mein Problem ist das ich den Vergaser nicht richtig einstellen kann. Ich kann an der Gemischraube drehen und die Drehzahl bleibt gleich. Wenn ich an die Standgaschraube reindrehen dann geht er aus. Das Hauptproblem hat das er bei 1/4 aus geht. Ich habe alle Kerben bei der Vergasernadel ausprobiert, jedoch hat es nichts gebracht. Bitte um Hilfe.

Vielen Dank

LG Stefan727

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2 years ago

Sounds like you want to set the carburetor in the cold state. You need to warm the engine, best 15-20 minutes. Then you have about 2-3 minutes for setting.

If it is the original carburetor, main nozzle and cylinder, then you should also leave the carburetor needle in the original notch.

  1. Rotate the stand gas screw until the stand gas is kept safe without having to give gas to the handlebar.
  2. Quickly screw in to stop (maximum fat)
  3. Quickly turn the mixture screw out again (approx. 1-1.5 revolutions) before the engine dies. Continue to turn out in quarters and with short breaks until the motor turns audibly higher. Evtl. give short half-gas shocks to the handlebar and listen to the speed.
  4. Stand gas screw again in quarter revolutions and with short breaks, until idle runs smoothly. Evtl. give short half-gas shocks to the handlebar and listen to the speed.
2 years ago

Hello Stefan727,

that sounds like a classic problem with the carburetor. It may be that the nozzles are blocked, which leads to the fact that the speed cannot be set correctly. It may also be that the carburetor needle is not set correctly. It is important that the carburetor needle is set correctly so that the engine gets the correct amount of fuel. It may also be that the gasifier seals are leaky and the air-fuel mixture is not properly assembled. It is also possible that the carburetor nozzles are contaminated and do not allow the correct amount of fuel.

It is important that you thoroughly check the carburetor to fix the problem. If you’re not sure how to do this, you can also visit a mechanic who can help you.

I hope this will help you.

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