Warum lassen sich Deutsche so oft scheiden?
Hi ihr Lieben. Deutsche lassen sich ja sehr häufig scheiden. Oft sogar obwohl sie Kinder haben!
Warum ist das so? Ist es weil deutsche weniger Familienwerte anerzogen bekommen? Was denkt ihr?
Hi ihr Lieben. Deutsche lassen sich ja sehr häufig scheiden. Oft sogar obwohl sie Kinder haben!
Warum ist das so? Ist es weil deutsche weniger Familienwerte anerzogen bekommen? Was denkt ihr?
Hey Leute , an Wochenenden ist mir irgendwie immer langweilig , was macht ihr da so bzw was kann ich machen PS ich bin 12 jahre alt
Heyy, ich brauche Hilfe und bin verzweifelt. ich habe jetzt meine Ausbildung angefangen und auch von zuhause ausgezogen in das Wohnheim dort (verpflichtend). Mein Vater teilte mir eben mit, dass es meiner Mutter sehr nahe geht, dass ich nicht mehr da bin. Wahrscheinlich auch, weil erst vor 2 Monaten mein großer Bruder ausgezogen ist. Ich…
Hallo, ich habe Borderline und kann meinen Wut nicht kontrollieren. Vor ein Paar Tagen hat mich mein Vater wiedermal runtergemacht und ich habe ihn eine Ohrfeige gegeben. Natürlich ist mir bewusst, dass es nicht okay war! Er hat sich notgewährt und jetzt habe ich eine Schnittwunde und einen kleinen blauen Fleck am Auge (Schnittwunde wegen…
Also am wochenende Hab ich bei einer Freundin übernachtet. Nach der Schule am Freitag sind wir zu nem jungen gegangen und meine Mutter hat mich dann angerufen und gesagt das sie es nicht gut findet das ich nicht um Erlaubnis gefragt habe. Am Abend also so um 17:40 hat sie dann angefangen zu fragen wann…
Hallo, Letztens saß ich neben meinem Sitznachbar in deutsch. Jedenfalls hat der an wie so ein OK 👌 Zeichen mit seinen Händen gemacht und ich hab halt reingeschaut. Anscheinend ist es so das wenn man das macht man dann dem der reingeschaut hat auf den Arm schlägt. Mir tat das total weh. Dann hab ich…
Hey ihr lieben ^=^ Ich hab folgendes Problem: (Bitte spart euch doofe Kommentare:( ) Habe seit knapp 6 Monaten eine Fernbeziehung, und haben jetzt ausgemacht, dass er bald zu mir kommt. Er hat gestern ohne mein Wissen das Ticket schon gekauft ( ich war in der Zeit schlafen und hat nichts abgesprochen oder sonstiges, hasse…
Because they can.
This is the first and most important. There are cultures in which there is no option at all or there is no pseudo option at all, because at least one of the two spouses would have considerable disadvantages, such as financial ruin, reputation damage, social justice, legal deterrent. Fear of getting the children removed, even to “earning” orders.
It is not that divorces in Germany are always easy. Here in the village, too, there is a lot of treachery and especially the women also notice a certain “cold shoulder” when they get divorced. Financially, it’s always easier than alone as a couple, but that’s enough to be disposed of. And the subject of children can also change in the war at the youth office and court. Nevertheless, it is simply possible with relatively low disadvantages.
And yes, after that comes the thema that, for example, faith decreases and divorces are considered more as sin, and no one fears of hell. You can call it loss of value, but it doesn’t. More like a change of wilderment with advantages and disadvantages. Our culture becomes more individualistic. This has the disadvantage that some are quicker to throw instead of repair. But it also has the advantage that one’s own will and individuality and one’s own limits are recognized. You just don’t stay together to keep the appearance out and look good at the neighbors. You stay together, as long as you do personally well and go apart when marriage no longer enriches you.
Well, I think it’s not that easy because the children suffer from it and are ruined financially in Germany often afterwards. The woman must then work with children and the man pay alimentes. Loose-Loose situation. I’m glad there’s something like this very rare with us.
Oh, and what exactly is it with us? What kind of culture are you talking about?
Divorces are perhaps ideal for children, but as has often been said, children suffer more from constant quarrels of parents or if it becomes otherwise dysfunctional like drug abuse, violence etc. And it’s terrible if SChweigen reigns. Children remember when the parents are no longer a couple and only try to play their will and keep façades upright. This is sometimes worse. Parents can be separated very well after all. Well structured and fair. And with that, children have always made a bigger profit than living in a fake family.
I am a divorce child myself and I have just celebrated the final separation (after a long “exploratory phase” and a lot of dispute). It was so bitter and everyone involved is better now. Our children too.
And what you’re about to do is once again beekeeper stereotypes. There’s no need for man to pay. The sexes are the same in Germany. It pays the parent who does not provide the main care of the children. So the one who sees the children for example only every 14 days on the weekend. In the case of a change model of 50/50 educational work, child support is often unnecessary. Marriage maintenance exists only if the merit is very unequal and that has to do with marriage – for example for the children abandoned work. To talk about my parents again: At the time of separation, my father was unemployed due to illness. That’s what my mother had to pay. But since my brother and I stayed with her, my father had to pay her child’s support. Of course, the two were charged, so it came out about at zero.
So I can’t confirm here again that working with children is a loss. Work is also self-realization and above all remains independent. Each parent does well not sacrifice himself for his children, but also somewhere he/she is staying and building his identity on several pillars.
And I’m a champion of the change model. I think it – if it is well lived and the parents stay fair and do not bear war on the heads of the children – is the best model. Among other things, because the subject of alimente is also unnecessary at the STelle.
I dare the thesis: Women who are alone after a divorce were usually also within marriage. The difference is that after divorce they also know that it is. And knowledge makes life uncommon. Nothing costs so much energy and time as the hope of having a PArtner who supports you to be disappointed again and again.
It is often the case that the divorce leads to a job-saving. After all, it means to provide a child, uh, man less.
There is a difference between everything running round and serious problems that are no longer reparable. Divorced or as a couple: adult people should always be able to tear together – especially children. And behave adult and exemplary. If they make it in a marriage, you can expect it in a divorce. Good divorces and co-parenting models build on their parents still pulling on a string despite divorce. Otherwise it doesn’t work and then it will always be disgusting. No matter if they stay married or separate.
You don’t break out of fun when you’re together for a long time, work together and have children together. That’s a balance. And if the balance speaks more for a divorce, it should be. Parents also have a right to happiness. They may also have new partners. That’s life.
When is it a good childhood that you can divorce? 😀 Children are always in the first place, even if parents work fully. Quality also strikes in relation to children the quanity. It is always surprising, but STatistics are clear: today’s parents (Mother and Father) spend more time with their children than all generations before them. And that’s what even though today’s mothers are going to work in the reef and there is the nutritional housewives model as well as no longer exist.
I also do not see that stability – as you describe it – would be a desirable value. In so far as stability is understood as reliability. No matter what circumstances, my parents are always there for me, have me as a priority and love me unconditionally – yes. Stability as a star, no. The increased invariability of living and living conditions to sell as desirable stability is simply not accompanied by today’s requirements. You will have to move around again and again for the profession, remain mobile, travel, be hired to different people, habits, computer programs and languages.
I’m sure you’re right. But if you’re honest, it’s 95% of the woman who’s alone and the man who pays. Thanks for your story.
Thanks for the detailed opinion.
I can totally understand your point of view. But let’s be honest; in what long-term marriage does everything really work? Personally, I find exactly what is functional, so that the parents continue to maintain the family so that the kids have a stable environment. It is of course something else if the man becomes violent or only screams every day. But srry here should a grown-up person break down for his child. Even if the child notices it is not always 100% harmonic: For me, it would have been the personal horror scenario to drive to my father every two weeks, which he would have been gone, never had money and that my mother has a new friend or lets him in our lives. This is the complete opposite of stability for me. Of course, my mother also worked, but never so much she would have hired us for it. But if a divorce was possible, it would have been the case. It’s just my opinion, but I think you should be able to pull yourself together for the children, at least until they’re older. What else is a marriage worth? Lg
Because women and men have a choice in this country. Even if a marriage has been concluded in the best will, it does not always work.
And for the children, separate parents with clear circumstances are all better than a couple of parents who are constantly fighting and where there may even be violence.
No, I doubt that and divorce children are more often disturbed.
Otherwise you are right in violence is a divorce justified!
We live in a throwaway society. Only that it does not remain with products alone.
I just think that too little people actually try to “repair” their relationship or it’s just one-sided trying.
That’s how it was with my ex. I tried to find him again. At some point, I gave up and separated.
Because you are not forced to stay in a failed, broken marriage.
This was so in the past, many have suffered mutely, have joined a (more or less secret) second partner, have made each other hell or become drunk. That’s better for the kids? I don’t think so.
In my opinion, it is more benign to separate when attempts to save the relationship, also with the help of professionals, do not work. If it’s not just toddlers, you can tell them what’s going on.
This is because of the many toxic masculinity!
Because you don’t get so much liked here and you’re suffering.
There are many reasons. In this country you can do this without being directly banished or stoned from home. Why don’t you use it when you realize it’s the better step.
I usually don’t think so. The children suffer from this very much and usually the whole family is financially worse.
I think children suffer more from constant quarrel and violence.
Where divorces in many cultures can mean inconceivable stress and serious consequences for women.
I think the dark figures of women who therefore remain with men are correspondingly high.
The rate of divorce in Portugal, Sweden, Ukraine, Hungary, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, etc. is still a few percentages PRESENT Germany.