Warum lassen manche Homöopathiebefürworter kein gutes Haar an (Schul)Medizin?

….und warum stellen sie es so dar, als hätten nur sie ahnung von ausgewogener, gesunder Lebensweise, und nur sie würden solch eine führen?

Was glaubt ihr?

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9 months ago

They try to raise their Globuligedöns a level higher by lowering the evidence-based medicine.

Whoever feels addressed is also meant.

9 months ago
Reply to  MrBlackAdder

Thanks for the star!

9 months ago

This is absolutely essential for the Pharmaceutical industry can sell their inactive globes in as large a quantity as possible.

If the customer (sorry, the wreath (m/w/d)) was informed seriously, hardly anyone would buy this inactive pseudo-medicine.

Therefore, there are many narratives, legends and fairy tales about healing experiences (real healing evidence from serious medical studies is not available). And since this advertisement is not enough for homeopathy, the real medicines and the real doctors must be presented worse.

Here, the main commercial argument is the non-existent side effects (a pseudo medication that has no effects can also have no side effects). ==> And this advertisement naturally works the better, the stronger one indicates the side effects of real medicines of “school medicine”.


The second reason is in comparison between medical practitioners and real doctors.

This is unfair, as the real doctors have to complete university studies (= “school training), but healers want to be regarded as equivalent.

That’s not logical, but who is interested?

Genuine doctors have to complete a degree and take a number of internships at clinics and/or specialist doctors (e.g. the practical year). This is real effort (extremely a lot of learning material) and costs time (real life for long training — not at schools, but at universities).

Healing practitioners must have passed a primary school degree, have a politic guidance certificate and fill out a multiple-choice questionnaire plus usually oral additional examination.

Those who consider this to be equivalent will certainly have problems with any form of real comparisons.

But as the healers also want to live (and customers need) they also have to advertise. And every sick person of the surch negative oral propaganda from visiting a real doctor (bad device medicine, drugs with side effects) is then a potential customer for the healer.

9 months ago
Reply to  BurkeUndCo


The study of human medicine is divided into > pre-clinic, clinical semester and PJ. Praep courses in pre-clinical semesters are mandatory. The preparation of corpses is studied by microscopic and macroscopic anatomy. Period of study > 6 years

After successful, completed studies and receipt of the approval, at least 5 years of training follows the FA > General Medicine, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Dermatology, Gyneecology, Paediatrics, Legal Medicine, Neurology, Radiology, HNO, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology, Nuclear Medicine, etc.

Within internal medicine specializations are once again possible in > cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, diabetics, haematology, oncology etc.

This also applies to the surgeon, e.g. cardio/thorax/infestation.

9 months ago

Many people do not really feel taken seriously by school doctors. It must be said that doctors (of course!) have very different skills in talking to patients. School doctors tend to use apparatus medicine. They make an investigation, judge (surely well-founded) on the basis of the results. But the patient misses the personal conversation.

Example: a patient has complaints, is sent to the CT (or MRI, no matter). This is done in special practice, the patient gets a report he doesn’t understand, from a doctor he never saw (and who never saw the patient, just the shots!) in his hand. The result is then communicated by his family doctor in a few words.

The procedure may be effective, but the patient feels uncomfortable with it. The healer takes a lot of time, shows understanding, and goes on to the patient. This creates more trust in many people than all high-tech devices in school medicine.

Another point: in the case of a medical treatment, I must immediately sign any reconnaissance sheets. As a patient, I have to decide whether or not I have the treatment done. The choice is only apparent, because the doctor should have chosen the right therapy. However, I have to sign this. That’s very insecure. How should I know if this is correct and necessary? Healing practitioners (at any rate I have let this tell me, I was still with no one) always know exactly what is right for you…

The school medicine should look a bit at the homeopaths and medical practitioners. And I don’t mean the Globuli.

9 months ago
Reply to  HalloDu597

To point 1: “Where should I know…” – Yes, of course I will be enlightened. As a non-medical, I still can’t appreciate the scope. Basically, the clarification for the cat is: either I trust the doctor and rely on his recommendation, or not.

Point 2: “Heilpraktiker… always know exactly…” Of course, that was ironic. You do not settle down, do not insure, provide security – bar of any specialist knowledge.

9 months ago

“Sports physicians” must not call themselves any volunteer expert, which has long been overdue and in your case was also offered by the completely absurd therapy recommendation. The fact that your doctor did not support the nonsense speaks for the “right” medicine – even if this doctor was still part of the problem in the original version of your story.

9 months ago

Not an osteopath, but an orthopedic and sports medicine. But I’m finishing this discussion with you now.

9 months ago

I was at first at the Orthopaedic, who sent me to the MRT and then recommended the operation.

An ostheopath possible? Because they are more known for insane therapies than correct doctors. But your anecdote is already suffering from a lack of credibility, because your pediatrician still played exactly the role that you now attribute to a “orthoped”.

My memory of this is pretty good.

This is one of the features of Remembrance falsification.

You don’t want to understand what I want to say: that the personal conversation with the attending doctor can be supplemented by apparatus medicine, but cannot be replaced.

No one has ever considered replacing the personal conversation with “apparate medicine”. In addition, this is an illegitimate concept of the anti-ageing age-olds for discrediting the right medicine, because as soon as they have the opportunity to pluck their medieval voodoo through something technical, they use it of course joyful (capping, bioresonance, etc.).

And that is exactly what cure practitioners score in many patients.

With a fake argument? Fortunately, these “many patients” are far too intelligent to fall into it. Even the globuli believing promoted by the most intensive lobbying is now only a minority in the German countries, and it is already completely eliminated elsewhere.

9 months ago

I was at first at the Orthopaedic, who sent me to the MRT and then recommended the operation. I was then with my family doctor, described the case and of course brought the documents..

My memory of this is pretty good.

Let’s be good, you don’t want to understand what I want to say, that the personal conversation with the attending doctor can be supplemented by apparatus medicine, but cannot be replaced. And that is exactly what cure practitioners score in many patients. (And to clarify this before you give me something again: I don’t mean that they have the competencies.)

9 months ago

I tried to deliver answers. No, I didn’t write a dissertation. Only my opinion expressed.

Well, as we know, everyone has an opinion, but that does not mean that it is also usefully green. Finally, one can also think that “alternative medicine” would be an alternative to correct medicine,

You pretend there’s never been misdiagnosis

Would you please quote the pass that made you believe that?

I do not doubt (to come back to my example) that the radiologist can evaluate the MRT correctly.

So this point of criticism would have become objectless.

But perhaps another measure would have been more appropriate?

To decide this is the task of the doctor. He has acquired the necessary qualifications during his training – unlike quacksalbern and courier.

The MRT showed: heel spores, operation unavoidable.

That’s not bullshit.. It may be a Error memory? Why should the doctor send you to the MRI only if she ignores the alleged diagnosis?

9 months ago

I guess you’re a doctor yourself? Because you defend this stand with teeth and claws. It was originally about why people swear on homeopathy and medical practitioners. I tried to deliver answers. No, I didn’t write a dissertation. Only my opinion expressed.

You’re pretending there’s never been any misdiagnosis, you’d never have been overlooked by etas, what you should have seen before. I do not doubt (to come back to my example) that the radiologist can evaluate the MRT correctly. But perhaps another measure would have been more appropriate?

I’ll explain the example: I had extreme pain in both feet a few years ago. It was so strong that I could hardly walk a few more steps. The MRT showed: heel spores, operation unavoidable. My house doctor read it, looked at me and said, “Don’t be mad, but I recommend you try a wood footroller!” That’s a massage thing you roll around with your feet. I couldn’t believe that after diagnostics with the impressive machine, but I tried it. After three days, I was free of complaints, and I am still today. Unfortunately, this doctor is now retired.

9 months ago

I brought you my example: MRI of a body region due to a referral by the family doctor, evaluation by a specialist who has never seen me and also does not know my complaints, reproduction of the evaluation by the family doctor who cannot evaluate the MRT itself. It doesn’t create trust.

This is your personal problem, not that of medicine. In order to find an MRI correctly, you do not have to have seen the patient – but if that is the prerequisite for you to “create trust”, you could also have any other senseless expectations. The following disappointment is just a product of your previous self-deception.

Since this procedure is the standard, I can generalize my personal experience here.

Nor, since there are also wiser people who do not believe that a diagnosis based on imaging methods requires personal contact with the patient. People who do not fall in on the lying hurricane of those who, instead of an MRT tube, only possess a glass ball and therefore, due to lack of real arguments, eagerly fight against an alleged “apparate medicine”.

The only thing I critise is the often insensitive handling of school doctors with the patient.

What is this “often” based on?

9 months ago

Of course, it is partly at the time available. As a patient, it doesn’t matter what it is. I brought you my example: MRI of a body region due to a referral by the family doctor, evaluation by a specialist who has never seen me and also does not know my complaints, reproduction of the evaluation by the family doctor who cannot evaluate the MRT itself. It doesn’t create trust.

Since this procedure is the standard, I can generalize my personal experience here. I myself, fortunately, have little health problems and therefore little doctor contact. My parents and mother-in-law have much more experience because of their age.

And no, I’m not sceptical about school medicine. This suspicion on your part is completely wrong.

9 months ago

Of course I dare a healernottoo.

But then your answer is highly contradictory. What is more important to you with regard to your indifference: competence or medieval dizziness? What makes you use of a conversation therapy (also referred to as “anamnese” by charlatans) if the result of which is merely the supposedly appropriate nothingness from thousands of others is also selected completely ineffective nothingness? Whoever makes this even a little healthier would have the same effect even after a hairdresser visit – and then at least the hair would be nice.

The only thing I critise is the often insensitive handling of school doctors with the patient.

Does this “often” rely on reputable surveys or rather on the verdict of people who are skeptical about “school” medicine (i.e. the right, proven effective medicine) compared to anyway? At any rate, the doctors I know do not lack sensitivity, but only sufficient time to talk to each patient in detail about their sensitivities. This is not the case with them, but with a health system, which (among other things also through quacksalberei) means more quickly earned money than the well-being of patients.

9 months ago

Uh, I didn’t realize now that “Heilpraktiker… always know exactly…” Iron was? Of course I dare a healer not too. The only thing I critise is the often insensitive handling of school doctors with the patient.

9 months ago

As a non-medical, I still can’t appreciate the scope.

Then why do you trust this to a medical practitioner who is also a non-medical? Well, he has more (paid) time for smalltalk and his appearance therapy doesn’t hurt at least if it doesn’t help yet, but trusting in health issues on a laity with medieval beliefs I don’t really think smart. Then it would be better to make correct doctors available more than 15 minutes of paid time per patient and quarter. The health insurance companies would have the money, they wouldn’t waste it to any quacks.

9 months ago

Due to mistakes in thinking, distraction maneuvers and rhetorical tactics. In particular, rhetorical tactics I noticed more often at GF.

Personal experience is not sufficient as a proof of effectiveness. Positive studies are published more often than negative > publication bias. Knowledge of double-blind studies is missing or rejected.

Argumentation > Homeopathy helps in children and animals. Here, the placebo effect applies to another person > parents, animal holders > placebo by proxy.

Slogan > Who heals is right!

If there would be a hostility of homeopathy, with the exception of the placebo effect, this would be known in evidence-based, scientific medicine, due to hypotheses that can be properly tested.

A healthy lifestyle has nothing to do with homeopathy for me. Every person should pay attention to a balanced, healthy, full-fledged diet, moderate exercise, degradation of obesity, if available, non-smoking and consume alcohol to levels. I assume that almost everyone knows the risks of smoking and high and lasting alcohol consumption.

If not:

High and lasting alcohol consumption mainly damages the liver, with consequent diseases such as fatty livers, liver cirrhosis.

Risks of smoking:

bronchial/larynx carcinoma,


cardiovascular diseases, with secondary diseases, such as myocardial infarction and apoplex,

peripheral, arterial closure disease.

With high alcohol consumption and smokers, the risk of an oesophagus carcinoma increases.

In patients with diabetes Mellitus, type 2, dietary training is applied in the diabetological priority practice.

8 months ago

What is the problem with homeopathy? Your questions are very busy. School medicine does not treat homeopathy.

Just let it stand. Every person decides whether he prefers school medicine or homeopathy.

9 months ago

Do you know the difference between recovery and recovery?

Conv. Medicine tends to make people ‘functional’ again. Alternative medicine assumes that it takes time for you to be healthy again.

Is m.E. a social problem – therefore also the often very short dismantling style at konv. Aercists against the holistic alternative approach of the anamnese alone.

That expensive complaints usually have a mental cause is undisputed even if it does not fit into the mainstream again.

(That’s why there’s a lot to do with me – bad handling (especially via the web) – but now I have to go through…)

9 months ago
Reply to  HalloDu597

Of course, such people have more time for their patients. That’s more than obvious.

That is why many people wander from the conv. to alternative medicine and staff. And you want to prevent this with violence by blowing the hom? symptom vaccination that will also go into the eye…

9 months ago
Reply to  antiaes

That’s all inappropriate.

9 months ago
Reply to  Morticia1976

I only write Muell 😀

8 months ago

That’s why some Schland leave and turn to experts in CH… The medicine in D is unfaithfully as good as the train there and the model of waere CH – at some point billions are thrown out to be advised from there…?

8 months ago

that would be a good news

9 months ago

What do you want to say?

9 months ago

9 months ago

That’s not a medicine…

9 months ago

Hom. is not an emergency medicine

9 months ago

Meta language

9 months ago

School medicine almost exclusively treats the symptoms of a disease. The true causes are usually not or only very poorly researched. The healer has a different approach. They try to heal the actual cause, among others, by nutrition etc.

9 months ago
Reply to  Rosenrot180

Surely not!

Specialists have other diagnostic criteria available than a healer and because of which the competence is properly to treat, but certainly not only the symptom.

Examples: CT, MRT, PET Scan, Szintigrams in Nuclear Medicine, Coronarangiografie, Abdomensono, Doppler – Sono, Echo, EPU, Zystoscopy, Koloskopie, Gastroscopy, Biopsie, EEG, NLG, EMG, 24 Hours Long-term EKG …….etc. pp.

9 months ago
Reply to  HalloDu597

We’re not talking about any illness. My statement is based on my (vocational and private) experiences. There are books that can be read ^

9 months ago
Reply to  HalloDu597


9 months ago
Reply to  Rosenrot180

That’s all nonsense.

The healer has no approach at all. This is due to the fact that he doesn’t know anything at all, everyone can become healers. It is only necessary to pass the so-called “harmfulness test”. With this test, the medical practitioners only have to prove to the supervisory authority that they know what they are not allowed to do and do not do any gross nonsense.

9 months ago

I have no sense. I stand neutral to both sides

9 months ago

The problem is that many school doctors just look for values. They take off blood and discover something or diagnose a disease, give you medicine and is good.

I have a friend with Gicht. There are alternative cure methods and of course you could also go to nutritional advice, but with Allopurinol tablets he is good and he can feed everything.

I personally find that it is not always the best solution to swallow tablets and then the world is back in the lot. Because the body has become sick because you don’t do anything good to him. If you ignore this, do not take care of yourself well and simply feed tablets (gifts with side effects), this leads to a downward spiral. Then you need a stomachsaver because the tablets do not do well to the stomach. Then you need something against permanent nausea. And other diseases come to this because you have not changed your diet, and sometime you might need cortisone because the intestine is strung, etc. etc.

Somewhere they’re right, the pharmaceutical industry deserves how much tablets you’re getting in. Not to those who change their diet or make sports etc.

There are also some good doctors. But most have no time for their patients and a tablet is prescribed more quickly than to educate the patient about a healthy way of life.

On the other hand, it can also be harmful to health if you leave ONLY on a healer.

I find a combination always good. Several opinions do not harm. And healers also have other healing methods than just globuli. Homeopathy can also be questioned critically.

9 months ago
Reply to  Pharmaengel

of course you could also go to a nutritional advice

Correct. But what does this have to do with homeopathy?

9 months ago
Reply to  EinAlexander

I have written more than just this one sentence and a healer is also able to provide a customer with tips and suggestions for a diet suitable for the disease picture. What is not difficult in the previous example of Gicht. You can also provide tips for anti-inflammatory diets in Hashimoto, rheumatism or other inflammatory diseases and can recommend supportive foods or dietary supplements in autoimmune diseases. A doctor usually has 10-15 min time per patient because the checkout does not want to remunerate him, the healer you pay for himself, he takes at least 60 minutes time and can therefore also advise more

9 months ago
Reply to  Pharmaengel

Allopurinol is known to lower serum uric acid and is formulated in chronic gout to prophylaxis of gout attacks which are extremely painful.

In this diagnosis, a good doctor will indicate to the patient a purine and low-fat diet, advise to moderate exercise and slow degradation of obesity if present. In particular in adipous patients and due to lack of movement, uric acid is not sufficiently lowered, i.e. Allopurinol is the drug of choice and should be taken consistently.

9 months ago
Reply to  Pharmaengel

How would you treat a sepsis, without AB, asthma bronchiale, without controller and reliever? The question catalogue can be continued as desired.

Example! Diabetes Mellitus, type 2. If a consistent change in lifestyle > dietary training in the diabetological priority practice, moderate movement and degradation of obesity, is not sufficient to lower Hba1c value, an oral antidiabetic, such as metformin, is formulated. This is also often not enough. Then the question of insulin therapy is in the room.

Here at GF there is such a patient, the nickname may not be called due to user performance. If you are interested, you will find the thread under my answers. Very annoying to read.

9 months ago
Reply to  Rapunzel324

I never told you to go to a doctor. The only thing I want to say is that it doesn’t hurt to get a second opinion from someone who might have a good advice. Hello I’m hot pharmagel, I live with the regulations.

9 months ago
Reply to  Rapunzel324

Quote from my text: “On the other hand, it can also be harmful to health if you leave ONLY on a healer.” and quote 2: “I find a combination always good. Several opinions do not harm. ”

Let the doctor diagnose you, take your medication and then go to the medical practitioner and find the cause of your illness or alternative cure.

Grade asthma can be super gone, I have myself and only have to take cortisone when I’m cold.

Diabetes type 2 the same, you can actually get with food and sports so that you don’t need any medication. All diseases that are based on too much food and too little movement, I can try to therapeutically change the way of life. I know a client myself, which is even famous, but of course I cannot say the name.

And clearly, an acute life-threatening sepsis is treated with AB. But imagine, 200 years ago, not everyone died of a sepsis that had one 🤣Theoretically you can also treat it as an alternative. It is life-sufficient, but theoretically possible.

I’ve got Hashimoto and don’t take thyroid tablets anymore because I’m completely anti-inflammatory. Any autoimmune disease can be affected.

And yes, sometimes everything doesn’t help, and sometimes you can’t do anything else except take tablets. Calls fate. But many tablets could be saved if you look at the human being and look where it comes from.

9 months ago
Reply to  HalloDu597

Got something. My daughter 2.5 now had a couple of days of imperiality. I didn’t do anything. Because it’s been a few days now, I gave her Globuli over the day yesterday. Today the hustle and bustle was gone. Yeah, it could have been that way. If we don’t know, we can’t get back and try it differently.Fact is, yesterday Globuli, today healthy.

It’s okay if you don’t believe it. I can understand. I made globuli, I know what’s in there or not. But if I give my child a day like that, and the next day the symptoms are gone, I honestly don’t care what I know. Then I would like to pay €9.98 for it and will surely give it again. School medicine often has nothing for infants. And if someone wants to try, that’s okay.

9 months ago
Reply to  HalloDu597

I have nothing against school medicine. I live of it. But it can also not hurt to get a second opinion from someone looking at everything from a different perspective.

And to the smooth lie “According to a study at Cambridge University, doctors in Germany have an average of 7.6 minutes for their patients and thus occupy one of the back places in Europe”

And my family doctor has never given me alternative tips to my asthma and my Hashimoto disease. Can only speak from my own experience. And since I don’t need any medication since my diet, my medical practitioner can’t be so stupid.

9 months ago


9 months ago

The healer orders the globe.

Or the doctor. Or the fortune teller. Or the sister-in-law of my colleague. Globuli is allowed to “order”.

But don’t change the fact that a doctor takes as much time as a healer for you as you pay him.

9 months ago

You’re good.

9 months ago

The healer orders the globe.

9 months ago

Okay, that’s your opinion, but I don’t share it completely.

Above all, one cannot compare the training of a medical practitioner with the study of human medicine > pre-clinic, clinical semester, PJ. Praep courses in pre-clinical semesters are mandatory. The preparation > macroscopic and microscopic anatomy is learned on corpses. Period of study > 6 years After successfully completed studies and receiving the approval, the at least 5 years of WB follows the FA > General Medicine, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Dermatology, Gyneecology, Paediatrics, Legal Medicine, Neurology, Radiology, HNO, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Nuclear Medicine, etc.

Within internal medicine, specializations are once again possible in oncology, cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, rheumatology, diabetics, haematology etc. This also applies to the surgeon, e.g. cardio/thorax/infestation. A medical practitioner does not have the expertise of a doctor.

Globulis > Sugar balls. Where no active substance, no effect, except the placebo effect. This, however, strikes its limits very quickly.

However, plant health has its benefits, such as teas, such as kidneys and bladder tea, ginger helps in nausea, ointment in gingivitis etc. I prefer a patient who takes valerian or lasea capsules, based on pure lavender oil, for temporary sleep disorders, than a direct sleeping agent, such as zoplicon, due to the high dependency potentials.

A healer has more time. In 10 patients a day, I can take an hour per patient. This is not feasible with a doctor, because of the high frequency.

Personally, I’ve never consulted a healer and that won’t change. Without the evidence-based, scientific medicine, I would be dead and blind long ago.

9 months ago

And all the written has now with homeopathy what? to do?

the healer you pay for yourself, who takes at least 60 minutes

The doctor’s power also if you pay him for it.

9 months ago

Doctors stop, they often have their own views. I’ve heard more often that doctors look at the methods of other doctors as a complete nonsense.

9 months ago

Because they are completely convinced of the correctness of their method and reject everything else.

9 months ago

Why do some homeopathy advocates not leave good hair (school)medicine?

Because they have had bad experiences with medical treatments.
