Warum kriegt man durch rohen Knoblauch Bauchschmerzen?

Hallo, bin m/18 und ich liebe Knoblauch.

Das Problem ist bei Knoblauch ist, dass nach 2-3 Zehen davon Bauchschmerzen kriege.

Ich esse sie gerne, weil man so sein Blutdruck senken kann und weil sie gut schmecken, da ich scharfes essen mag.

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1 year ago

Maybe you don’t need 3 toes of it to lower your blood pressure. In addition, a cardiologist can best adjust your blood pressure. He makes a stress test and writes you a blood pressure lower or a blood pressure smoother, which hugs up and down and in the right dose.

1 year ago

In the morning 1 toe comminuted with water immediately swallow without chewing should be enough. I do this on an empty stomach, and I feel much better for a long time. also conveys the hair density e.g.

1 year ago

You should only take garlic to you in connection with other food, otherwise the stomach can make problems as you felt

1 year ago

Why do you get belly pain through raw garlic?

I eat very much and very much garlic, no matter whether steamed, fried or raw. I’ve never had any stomach pain.

Why you get abdominal pain – no idea.

1 year ago

Is your weight okay? Because of blood pressure. How does your environment get clear with the belly? Workmates etc? Maybe pimp darmflora with Symbioflor.