Warum kriegen die meisten Arbeiter in Produktionen Chinas so wenig Geld?

Ich muss Montag eine Präsentation über China halten und das ist meine Forscherfrage ist: Warum kriegen die meisten Arbeiter in Produktionen Chinas so wenig Geld?

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2 years ago

No, that’s not true for a long time

The average hourly wages of workers in China according to mirrors in 2017 have risen tripled from 1.20 to 3.60 dollars since 2006 and soon reach the one in Portugal (4.50 dollars).

Also this message about 6 years ago can confirm the above quote from Spiegel:

Chinese already earn almost as much as Greeks


As far as I know, China has already reached the level of Greece/Portugal.

Then the following message:

From cheap – wages in China are rising rapidly, alignment with German standards in numerous industries:

https://www.handelsblatt.com/enterprise/family/production costs-of-way-billig-die-loehne-in-china-steig-rasant/22905244.html?ticket=ST-23569021-UnSuAvS6AfxkXyeedwEV-ap2

In China, engineers are already surpassing on average what is paid in the USA. The advertisers even now earn even better in the USA.

In the last 10 years, wages rose drastically, in few industries over 20% a year.

This led to a booming middle class in China, which has now bought every 4th worldwide car and half of the world’s luxury goods:

Chinese buy a quarter of all new cars in the world:


Chinese buy half of the world’s luxury goods:


A new report from the investment banking and asset management company Credit Suisse has shown that the average Chinese adult today is more prosperous than the average European.

The value of Credit Suisse for China is 26.752 US dollars per head. These are about $60 more than Europeans.

Normal citizens from China have greater wealth than average Europeans (rtl.de)

2 years ago
Reply to  Aleynaloveyouu

Are you blind or what?

I have already answered

Or my answer just disturbed your gut feeling?

2 years ago


2 years ago

Okay, then I’ll say apology for my rudeness.

Another example:

A new report from the investment banking and asset management company Credit Suisse has shown that the average Chinese adult today is more prosperous than the average European.

The value of Credit Suisse for China is 26.752 US dollars per head. These are about $60 more than Europeans.

Normal citizens from China have greater wealth than average Europeans (rtl.de)

2 years ago

In China, a low wage is often paid as the factory owners try to keep the cost of production low. This means that the workers often receive only a small wage for their work. Another reason why the workers in China earn so little money is that many factories do not comply with the legal regulations and do not properly charge the workers. The workers are often underpaid and do not receive social benefits or other benefits such as holiday or health insurance. In addition, working safety in many factories is not sufficient, which is too bad working conditions and cuts

2 years ago
Reply to  dav9898

All almost only the outdated clichés

2 years ago

because they don’t have a minimum wage of 12 Euros, so everyone in China is also in trouble producing!

2 years ago

because they do it.

2 years ago

What’s pay? What is exploitation? What is the wage rate? What is productivity?