Warum kostet die Premium Economy so viel mehr?

Warum muss man in der Premium Economy mit so hohen Preisen im Vergleich zur klassischen Economy? Ein Upgrade auf Premium würde mich zwischen 900-1000 Euro (je nach Flugverbindung hin und zurück) kosten! Wie ist dieser hohe Aufpreis gerechtfertigt? Ist das Abzocke oder lohnt es sich auf Langstrecke? Wer kann mir davon berichten?

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2 years ago

The problem is the “small cattle also make crap”, in the Eco-Premium are many achievements in which the sum is already clearly noticeable.

First you have more space, that means if only 2 people sit in a row instead of 3 people, you have to make the ticket 50 percent more expensive to generate the same revenue

Better food also costs more money. In the air, everything is somewhat more complicated, which makes service costs rise

You have more stewardesses for better serivice, even higher PErsonal costs are hitting on ticket prices by

You have more baggage. More weight also means that the pilot has to refuel more kerosene.

You have access to the waiting lounge on the ground with free drinks and food, also this service costs about 50 euros.

A flight to London takes just 1 hour that you can also stop on the most uncomfortable seat. But a 12-hour flight to Los Angelese in a sardine box there really can’t be a person comfortable sleeping or stretching out comfortably. Is there enough people who care to get fit and dignified, for example managers, athletes or people who do not want to lose a whole holiday day. You must not forget enough people weighing more than 100 kg and for them a standard seat is just too narrow.

2 years ago

You start at the same time and get in my eyes at the same time is not worth it.

This has little to do with scraping. They can ask for what you want to force you not to fly with it and it will communicate clearly what it costs.

On the one hand, the high price comes from the fact that you naturally lose seats. Where 3 were sitting before, now only 2 means you have to rent the third one just to earn so much. Then it comes better service and of course the target group that looks less on the money, where it doesn’t matter if it costs 200 or 300 euros more again.

And in the end, the airline wants to make extra money than the standard passenger.

That’s your price. Understood when you think more comfort to roar and the money left you can do that in my eyes it is pure waste of money

2 years ago

I don’t think Abzocke is. Because you won’t be forced to book this.

900-1000 Euro I had no extra charge on long-haul flights.

This is justified with the extra power (Früheres Boarding, more leg freedom, etc.)

2 years ago

In that case, it was worth it in your eyes. Otherwise you wouldn’t have upgraded.

Never flew Lufthansa (at least privately not). That’s why I don’t really know their pricing and performance.

2 years ago

It’s more comfort.

More leg freedom, larger screens, better food, more luggage.

Whether it’s worth it for you, you have to decide.

2 years ago

For you, however, you are not the target group;)

2 years ago

Well, that’s how it works everywhere.

More comfort costs more. Whether it’s worth you, you have to decide yourself.

2 years ago

The first class on the train is the same and some people spend money on it.

2 years ago

Comfort is always a waste.

I could have bought a cheap small car for 10,000 euros, but I don’t want to

I could eat bread and pasta with pesto every day, but I don’t want to.

I like spending money on amenities.

2 years ago

As you said, for one reason or another, you are probably not the target group.