Warum kosten Pflege- & Reitbeteiligungen Geld?

Ich kenn mich jetzt nicht so krass mit Pferden aus aber das klingt so unlogisch.

Wenn ich Nh Pflege- oder Reitbeteiligung hab. Warum tf muss ich dann Geld zahlen?

ICH gehe zu dem Pferd hin. ICH helfe dem Besitzer das Pferd zu bewegen / pflegen (etc.) ICH “opfere” meine Zeit dem Tier. Also warum kostet das was?

Versteh ich nicht

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2 years ago

Because the owner also has costs and the RB in the least cases continues the horse as a beacon or similar.

Instead of thinking ICH as RB, you also have to look at the other side:

  • The equipment gets more wear, an RB likes to pay less attention than the PB itself
  • You can use the plant of the stable (depending on the farm of course)
  • The horse is rarely ridden very well, so here too you have wear
  • The PB puts you a possibly well rided horse – what do you mean, what did the training of the horse cost?
  • Unfortunately setting many RBs: What nix costs is also worth nix -> Many are unfortunately unreliable at free.

The list could go a long way.

Who shines through particularly good riding & good reliability gets many RBs also free or for less money.

There are enough people who forgive for small money or free RBs in their horses. And others who override it in scale. Supply & demand.

2 years ago
Reply to  Punkgirl512
  • Unfortunately setting many RBs: What nix costs is also worth nix -> Many are unfortunately unreliable at free.

I’ve never understood. If I had a free Rb at the time, I tried to get extra. You should find something like this again if you can practice such an expensive hobby for free.

2 years ago
Reply to  ChampagneLady

Actually, yes. I’ve been doing the same thing, and I’ve been really busy. Unfortunately, you hear enough opposite.

2 years ago


You can see that as you do, but I don’t want to give RB to my horse for free, because I also have to pay stable costs, hoof costs, azech costs, etc. and so the RB should ride for free.

It’s also on the horse. Some horses where the owners are training and the rich Trainig eh Wurscht are forgiven the RB even cheaper or free but I don’t do this because my parents pay weekly rides (already for 4 years) and I’m not so stupid and a free RB ruins the ales again…

Also, the RB doesn’t matter if it’s free whether it goes or not and I think an RB should be reliable.

And maybe you should not debunk that you “sacrifice” your time because you do it if you do it voluntarily because no one forces you to do it and that’s why you want to do it.


2 years ago

A horse doesn’t fall dead if his owner doesn’t come. Main thing, it’s fed. Many would even live healthier without human beings, if e.g. the people don’t ride well. And that’s not just about the training period, some have always learned the same crap for 50 years with different trainers, also because they learn selectively and only accept what fits them in the stuff.

When a person buys a horse, he enters an obligation to feed it through, including all incidental costs, yearly, yearly. You buy a 24/7 horse and have to pay the money for every single day.

Horse participations have a horse available on 2/7 weekdays. Sure they don’t decide. You don’t decide who does the hoove, what is fed, how is being trained or, or, or. Because they can go if they don’t like the consequences of the decision. The horse owner stands for life. They therefore have fewer rights, but also fewer duties.

Isn’t it fair to pay at least the corresponding share that you’re e.g. the possibility of having a 2/7 horse? Most horse owners even round off. Some even so far that they pay for it because some costs rise when you take an RB on your horse.

2 years ago

Since I was wondering about it too, I was informed about it.I wanted to do some care for riding horses, but it stayed at Minishettys (10€ per month).I use my time for the horses, but the owners also want to make sure that the horses are really well looked after, etc.And if you are your care horse, for example. Pots braided, must make money for new braids. :

Generally incomprehensible, but if you want to do good to the horses, you should be ready to pay…

2 years ago

PBs are usually free. RBs cost money because the rider usually doesn’t have the right level. He wears the horse, the equipment, etc.

Not at all Rbs you have to do work. The owner makes the animal “available” and you pay for it. Like a rental car, you pay even though you usually do it and give it back clean.

2 years ago

Care participations should not cost money.

Horseback riding is very good. Why should I rent my horse to someone for free? Yes, a good RB relieves the owner. The price for the horse consists of the amount of money and the relief of the owner. Even if the money amount seems to be high for some riders in the week depending on the region 80 euro per month, it does not cover the costs the owner of the horse. And is significantly cheaper than when the RB rides in a riding school.

And as for the relief… at best, the owner has horse-free on two days, but most of the RB can only “move” the horse. Some are more bad than right.

Someone who rides so well that he can teach my horse what I can’t do, calls himself a waiter and costs money, Me,

2 years ago

Care participation costs idR nothing, a RB of course already. You use the horse.

2 years ago

Because the owner makes his animal available for you to spend your free time with it.

Of course, you’re actually a help to him, but he would probably do it even without you to feed the horse.

2 years ago
Reply to  LostBrains

As a rule, the shareholding amount is also composed of the horse-riding money and of the unloading work that is still needed.

2 years ago
Reply to  LostBrains

Of course there are also cases. but the basic idea behind it is that you count to spend time with a strange animal. It is to be regarded as rents on time or for certain activities.

2 years ago

I definitely understand what you mean, but…

The owner pays the box rental, Hufschmied, veterinarian, equipment and also the purchase price of the horse.

You want to ride – so you can pay the costs.

Not every owner requires a cost-sharing because they are already happy when the horse is moved and thus there is already a relief.

But the demand for a shareholding is now there and if the owner can still earn it (or has a shareholding in the additional costs), this is also a profit for him and therefore most want a shareholding.

You pay for riding lessons even though you move the horse and do everything around. Of course, that’s not the same, since you actually pay the tuition but still. :

2 years ago

Because horses also cost “maintenance”, feed, veterinarian, parking space, and the animal has also tasted….And these costs are also to be repaid in proportion when “use”.

2 years ago
Reply to  LostBrains

yes, but usually not as much as riding is worth,

2 years ago
Reply to  LostBrains

Then you can buy your own horse. Then you will notice how it can be charged not only in time but also financially. :

2 years ago
Reply to  LostBrains

You have a benefit too. Is like driving bus…you can wash and still have to pay if you want to drive,

2 years ago

Then you should also understand that horse riding isn’t lukewarm.

2 years ago

Too many applicants, too little offer.

Unfortunately also the version to be able to convert a rental of the horse without commercial requirements.

2 years ago

Because the owner has to pay the stall with the food and everything about it and to it, and you can ride Dan for free without paying anything for these things

2 years ago

Supply and demand… as with everything else.

2 years ago

You also go on a kart train and complain that you have to pay for driving, even though you ever do a favor to them by stealing their crates?

2 years ago
Reply to  LostBrains

Because? Both horse owners and kartbahn owners bear all costs. And you have to take part in them if you want to use the object.

2 years ago

So why does it cost?

Because ER DIR provides NO animal.

2 years ago

Supply and demand