Warum können sich so viele teure Autos leisten?
Sehe vor den Frisörläden und Dönerläden immer nur S-Klassen, Porsche und Mercedes AMG stehen. Kann man sich sowas durch eine Dönerbude leisten?
Sehe vor den Frisörläden und Dönerläden immer nur S-Klassen, Porsche und Mercedes AMG stehen. Kann man sich sowas durch eine Dönerbude leisten?
Hey ich werde bald 16 und bin an meinem A1 Führerschein. Ich möchte gerne die Duke ktm 125. Gebraucht sind sie oft nur etwas billiger als neu. Was könnt ihr mir raten eher neu oder eher gebraucht und warum?
Hey Habe einen W205 Facelift leider komplett ohne Ambiente wollte diese nachrüsten aber nicht mit diesen billigen Gummirohren welche nur außen leuchten. Dieses AliExpress nachrüstkit will ich ebenfalls nicht. Bei meinem f20 1er bmw will ich diese ebenfalls nachrüsten kennt da jemand qualitativ hochwertige alternativen am besten ein set mit allen türen fussraum etc
Hallo Leute. Mein Auto hat an der Fahrertür überall auf einer Länge von ca. 40cm einzelne weiße Stellen oder Abplatzer auf dem Lack und diese Macken sind alle auf der gleichen Höhe. Also man spürt auch dass die Stellen voll rau sind. Leider habe ich kein Foto gemacht da es dunkel war und der Schaden…
Guten Tag Ich habe erst seit kurzem einen Führerschein und habe mir deshalb ein,,Anfänger” Schild an die Rückscheibe gemacht, aber ich werde dafür immer gefragt warum ich denn so ein Ding dort habe. Ist ein Anfänger schild komisch
The diner and pizza shop around the corner are good. He always has the most expensive sports cars for himself and his children. I don’t want to know how many pizzas and diners are not taxed.
In addition, a sports car does not have to be expensive. The son of my brother-in-law inherited €20,000 from Opa. Most of it he has now used to buy a 200 CLK Of course 10 years old and he is doing a dual study and does not get a 1,000€ net a month.
As you can see, you don’t have to have much money to buy or lease a sports car. What are the priorities? For that, these people will never own their own property because everything goes on because of the car.
They are all leased for the effects the coming generations have to bleed.
What impact do you mean?
The overburden of society. It’s a reality, people enslave themselves.
We buy things we don’t need from money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.
Okay. I understand what you mean, but that problem would not be so drastic.
You can also lease a car or buy it on rates. And they may spend a lot of money for a car and then save very much elsewhere. I often see it at Turks. Drive big cars and live with the whole family in ner mini apartment. The priorities are just a little different.
Often such cars are not so expensive.
I need to think of a nice story.
My father bought a used Mercedes. The mother of a friend like this: “Wow, you see that you have a lot of money.” Well, the car didn’t cost $10,000. 😀 We were always good financially, but we were not really rich now.
That’s wrong. Many of the vehicles are not as expensive as many people think. And many people can also not be sure how the model is, what is just ahead of them.
In addition, there are also many quite favorable leasing offers.
Also, it is always a question of how you focus on your life. During home visits, you will notice that many patients with the thickest carts have the smallest and easiest furnished apartments – the car is the most important…
Those who get a used person and who are still financing can give them a proper indication. Even if the part doesn’t belong to him, it belongs to the bank.
Without knowingly substituting things: in such shops, checking a correct billing is difficult.
Often I see people who live in more socially weak neighborhoods but drive expensive cars. I think that’s just a matter of priority. If you pay only half the rent, you can afford without problems with the same salary of such cars.
There are several possibilities.
1) Leasing
2) Loan financing
3) Money laundering
4) Sufficient capital available
and drug trafficking
That would then belong to money laundering
Why Not? If the store’s going well? Don’t think so funny. Go!
I know zb a da work that works at MC Donalds as a cleaning aid,which drives a car will certainly have 80k Euro upwards,cars where you can only see doctors or lawyers going around,I also ask myself where people have the money,whether you get dressed,you can’t get to the money
And what a car is it
i know net exactly weis only that it is a tesla because of the symbol , and that it certainly did not buy at 5k euro used!!!
are stop . the turn many crumme dinger. in front of all döner shops or friseur shops wash much money
It’s often leasing.
You can also lease a car.
If you run Dönerbude well, yes. But you should always ask yourself what these people are ready to do without. It is also not necessary to buy cars, it can also be leased or financed.
Five people lease a car. You’re driving Tuesday.
Have a fallen house for it
What do you think? That only Döner is sold?
It’s bank cars.
Are of the customers who no longer have a dock on caviar.
Not if you’re just selling your own.