Warum können Eltern nie anklopfen?


meine Mutter kommt echt oft in mein Zimmer, ohne anzuklopfen.

Ich habe ihr schon 10000 mal gesagt dass sie anklopfen soll aber das macht sie nie.

vorallem wenn ich irgendwas für das Studium mache wo ich mit anderen Videochatte (Gruppenarbeiten zB oder Seminare die manchmal online sind) nervt das extrem.

Manchmal klopft sie auch an aber wartet gar kein “herein” ab sondern öffnet eine halbe Sekunde später die Tür.

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1 year ago

Thanks for the message.

But actually, a student at your age should be able to persuade his mother or at least get a door key.

1 year ago

Fortunately, this does not apply to “all” parents on this planet.

I started knocking off from kindergarten ages of my offspring. In combination with “to draw attention to me before and during”. So we were not terrified and we became used to a good routine for it over the years.

If I don’t have a hand off, I’ll walk my foot on the door frame. through the house shoe gets a good audible. And otherwise I also make myself remarkably additional.

But if I forget it (because stress, no time, it’s just hectic, etc) I apologize for it.

1 year ago

Yes, that is admittedly an impossible behavior.
I want to address two aspects – do you still have to live at home? Otherwise, you are your own master or your own wife in the house.
Second point is – just complete the room if you want to be undisturbed. Above the age – we do not have completed doors in the house/in the apartment – you should probably be out in your studies.

1 year ago

Because they don’t respect your privacy.

Maybe get a door stop so she can’t open the door or close it.

1 year ago

Why don’t you take a big sign out there asking you not to bother while you’re doing such important things?

Are you paying rent?

1 year ago

I don’t pay anything, I asked blossom if you pay rent to your parents, because if you pay your parents rent, you can have the rental item, you can attach and lock a lock.

Otherwise, your parents are the bosses and you have to judge them.