Warum kommt meine kaka nicht raus?
Hallo ich bin’s dee Jannis Siergott und gab de ma n problem:
Ich sitze gerade richtig auf Toilette und Versuche richtig zu pressen aber es kommt nicht
Gibt es da irgendwelche massage Techniken oder anderes?
MfG es tut weh
Well, there are 3 methods:
K. Question again here: Do you have lactoseiintollerance? Or why do you ask what is milk?
You call constipation. Drink more and, in case of doubt, take an abduction cup from the pharmacy.
NOT press!! By pressing, blood vessels can burst and you can get a nasty analfissur.
Moreover, it is quite possible to get a stroke by pressing too strongly.
Go to the pharmacy and get something to take off
Get something you can put your legs so that you can sit up with your knees and bend forward easily that your scoop touches your head
What about milk?
Do you have lactose intolerance?
you are high my dear