Warum klingt mein Keyboard nicht wie die anderen Keyboard?
Ich habe zum Geburtstag das Rockjam 361 bekommen und wollte damit spielen das Problem aber ist das es nicht so schön klingt wie die anderen Keyboards. Deshalb wollte ich fragen ob mir da jemand helfen kann.
This is just for you an entry-level instrument that Yamaha YX, the Hammond XY are coming when you show some fortschtitte and the will to perfection.
Merry Christmas!
I have not heard of the brand
Expensive digital pianos also cost €12000.
These are partly thousands of sounds, styles, midi files with much more storage space, individually sampled sounds, better operational amplifier chips etc
Yamaha CVP, Kawai, Korg Kronos or Nautilus etc
This just makes the difference whether an instrument sounds authentic or just stretched with bad loops at Cheapkeyboards for 100 €