Warum kiff ich trotzdem weiter. Durchlesen bitte?
Warum kiff ich immer noch. Mir gehts durchs kiffen nur schlechter als es mir ohnehin schon geht. Psychische Probleme. Ich werd noch downer.
dber ich kiff trotzdem täglich weiter. Manchmal sogar schon direkt nach dem aufstehen slso wenn ich frei habe natürlich nur oder vor dem Abend.
Because cannabis is mentally dependent.
If you can’t do this, please contact: https://www.drk.de/hilfe-in-deutschland/health and prevention/search advice/ They don’t blame you, they just want to help.
There’s a function behind it. It’s a bit more complex. I guess no one will be able to explain this to you so quickly. Check out if there’s a cannabis addiction consultancy near you. They’ll help you out. It is also very interesting and you learn a lot about it. They can also advise you accordingly should be a addiction disease and work with you a way to reduce it or stop it completely.
I don’t believe in your mental problems, rather – as I said before – that you’re stuck in puberty and can’t handle drugs properly – or have a serious addiction story.
If you were to have serious problems that really concern you and annoy you, you would have long been looking for a drug counselling and asking for help there.
But probably the parents can’t get anything…
I don’t think you understand. I’m in care right now, and I might have a big trouble for the addiction. Ka how they can handle it when they find out. And above all, how should I look after when I have to work daily. I don’t have time to go there.
I don’t care if you believe me. In the end, it’s not your problem but mine, and I’m sorry about it and not you. Must justify me for nothing because after all I know what is true and what is not 😉
I rather believe that you don’t understand that you like to lie in your own pocket and build up problems and dramatize where there are no problems at all.
Sick letter is really hard jz. I can’t do it
You should edit your problem – not stubborn.
No. Because of the suicidal thoughts, I started with alcohol. Ging’s me a lot better for a while. That’s why they’re drinking every day. In the end, it’s been swept for three months every day until everything turned. Over time, I was more deceived, but it was hard to stop and fear that I was already physically dependent and could die by the cold retreat. You need to know I have a diagnosed generalized anxiety disorder
but since I was trzd knew that it wasn’t extremely long, I’d rather not slip into a really acute alcohol dependence on grass again. And since it was easier to drink, it was much more harmless than alcohol. It is easier to switch to something else than to visit addiction therapy.
and I just want to be completely stunned. That’s it…
What is it?
To (D)a free letter to smoke cannabis?
To your alleged mental problems?
Your suicide idea?
How about everything in the world is the idea that cannabis could help with suicide thoughts if any semi-declared consumer knows that cannabis can increase negative thoughts and sensations?
A serious question. Do you know me personally or how to judge yourself the right? Strangely, I didn’t have daily suicide thoughts so long ago. Strong.
And always. It was because of my mental problems with the psychologist and was in psychotherapy. But she didn’t help me like that.
as already said. I really don’t care if they believe me or not. Needs to justify me for nothing and knows best how serious to take my mental problems are..
Because you’re dependent.
A stationary long-term reconciliation treatment (Reha, about 25-50% success rate) helps best against dependency diseases. This takes 12-20 weeks and you can apply for DRV or KV.
Alternative outpatient psychotherapy. For this, however, you must be able to show a abstinence at the 10th session.
A addiction is a learned disease. You’re just doing it now because it has become a routine for you. Go to a withdrawal clinic! You don’t have a chance to get out of there alone.
That thing is. I’ve had a bunch of addictions in my life. A lot of drugs, unfortunately.
cigarettes. Smoke around thirty a day.
with fifteen amphetamine or speed addicted. Served seven to eight months daily. Get up right after that. So, before the trick started. Bin jz after a fall of Speed is currently a year and n month clean.
Then I started to cuff daily. Four months a day.
Then stop and start drinking for months later. Alcohol abused for three months a day.
I’ve been moving to gras for a month. And ever since.
when I suf ne party go dsnn I drink. Otherwise, I cried daily. Ka as it should continue. Above all, I need to be careful not to get back from that.
What’s your goal? A long fulfilled life obviously not. You’ve probably already reduced your life expectancy. As long as you are not socially sensible, you will always be relapsed. You are no longer the Lord of your own, but your gentlemen are the drugs.
It is considered extremely difficult to impossible to clean without external help.
I just have psychic problems. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have so many addictions and generally abuse drugs. What sver is of course good is that I drink only very rarely through the ciffing. Special occasions. Since alk is much more harmful and the addiction at alk can end fatal. Just have to be careful not to get back from Speed or start or start again regularly with the brunning.
you can get clean from all of this without professional help and then also stay or it becomes impossible ❓and how to get dsn no longer fall back. Because there are quite a lot of things.
Because you’re addicted.
You’re addicted, your body needs that. Find hobbies where you can distract yourself from a project or something
In any case, who cried, he doesn’t sin, he just cried!
that is called addiction.
What other things you can’t do if you want to get out of there.
You’re dependent. Find professional help.