Warum keine Lebendfütterung im Zoo?
warum gibt’s in deutschen Zoos keine Lebendfütterung?
Das erklärte Ziel von jedem Zoo ist, Tiere möglichst artgerecht zu halten. Dazu gehört sicherlich auch eine artgerechte Fütterung. Raubtiere müssen also andere lebende Tiere töten und essen können – genau wie es in der Natur der Fall ist.
Es ist überhaupt nicht artgerecht, wenn etwa ein Löwe im Zoo sein Leben lang kein anderes Tier tötet, sondern nur totes Fleisch zum Essen bekommt.
Warum wird im Zoo nur mit toten Tieren gefüttert, und welche Vorteile für den Tierschutz bringt diese Praxis?
Hey cuck00,
I did my training at the Tierpark Berlin and can tell you exactly.
The animal welfare law prohibits the feeding of live vertebrates.
Here I quote from the law:
In the case of zoo generations of wildlife that have been in existence for years and their offspring, normal fishing and killing behaviour can no longer be assumed.
We often had feeding problems, especially in reptiles. These prefer living food, as they often need body warmth and odor as an incentive to get at all in eaten.
Therefore, as a zoo animal caregiver, one learns the “art-friendly killing” of feed animals. In the Tierpark Berlin there is the fodder breeding. There, such animals are grown from mice to rabbits, only for the purpose of killing and feeding.
Freshly killed food comes very close to the live food.
Their instinctively congenital behavior is there, but a lion learns, for example, to kill and hunt from the mother animals. A proper bite and the animal doesn’t have to suffer long, does it?
Well, in the case of zoo animals it is not necessarily possible to assume this clause in the animal welfare law.
I hope the answer was helpful, if there are other questions, please contact us.
Good evening
In nature, the animal has a chance to escape what the lion eats. In the zoo where it’s locked. That would be unfair conditions and that is not the biggest problem in the zoo. Lions have a much bigger territory in the wilderness where you live. No zoo can offer them that.
I think it’s good that those who don’t do that because most animals are offered in the zoo they have not been able to learn the successful hunting right. This would cause unnecessary suffering to the animal which is given for eating, since the hunting would take much longer and would therefore be much more painful.
In the free nature, the “victim” can also escape or is killed within a few seconds by the bite. This is not possible in the zoo because the animal cannot escape and, as said, the animals have not learned the fatal bite properly.
That’s why it’s forbidden. With few exceptions, e.g. snakes that do not want to get used to dead prey, they can be fed with live animals.
But I’m sorry.
Big cats kill their prey fast and painless. But I read somewhere that e.g. if wolves chase an elk, it is very good for the elk.
So it is absolutely normal and natural when prey animals feel severe suffering and pain. This obviously replaces a animal-friendly attitude with human morality, which is totally inappropriate.
I’m talking about the cats like lions. A lion that has never been chased properly will never be able to kill an animal as in nature. He won’t know how to make the “death bite” and apparently try out how it works. It wouldn’t be fair for the sacrificed animal. The animal has no chance of fleeing and then it takes forever to recover… in nature it is something else in my opinion.
Strange question, probably a fake question, as everyone can answer themselves.
Who goes to the zoo? Mostly families with small children.
How would they react if deer, antelopes, mice, rabbits were torn?
With protest towers.
A zoo is an “economic company”. It offers the service “See animals, entertainment, movement in the green”.
A zoo does not have at least the possibility and also not the goal of simulating the free wild.
“Not art-friendly” is infinitely much in life.
It is also not kind enough that we drive in cars or hocken for 8 hours a day in offices. Still, we live with it.
And the free wildlife is by no means “the paradise” for wild animals. In total, they are often far better in their enclosures than an antelope in dry Sahel zone.
What does a lion eat in the wild?
Anitlopen and everything that can’t run away fast enough.
Giraffe was on the menu at the Copenhagen Zoo.
Can you think that the self-proclaimed animal protectors have excited about it all over the world. Also gives a few spinners who think that every living must be a vegan.
That’s why you just feed the red meat without fur so people don’t mess around.
In Copenhagen, however, the giraffe from its own breeding was also fed in dead caps after obduction.
The species also applies to the feed animals.
And why isn’t it kind of fair to be killed by a predator? In nature, too.
But not in a little cage!
And that can’t be a zoo.
So you have your answer.
I agree – for this you have to set up a spacious hunting gear! I’m sure it would attract spectators.
In addition, one could expose several prey animals in such a cradle so that they also have a chance to escape. It’s gonna be a hunt, and no execution. And the animal’s attitude to the species is also to be hunted by predators!
I’m sorry, but in my opinion, Section 1 of the Animal Protection Act, which is often cited here, is a deferred claim of protection. I think the killing of feed animals is much cruel!!!
I believe that you should turn around the spear and offer only exceptionally killed feed animals!!!
§ 1 Animal welfare law
The purpose of this law is to protect people from the responsibility of the animal as a co-creation of their lives and well-being. No one shall cause pain, suffering or damage to an animal without reasonable reason.
For me, it is clear that killing fodder animals is the actual violation of the animal welfare law and an unacceptable intervention of man in the natural processes!!!
Hello, I’m sorry, but in my opinion, Section 1 of the Animal Protection Act, which is often cited here, is a deferred claim of protection. I think the killing of feed animals is much cruel!!!
I believe that you should turn around the spear and offer only exceptionally killed feed animals!!!
§ 1 Animal welfare law
The purpose of this law is to protect people from the responsibility of the animal as a co-creation of their lives and well-being. No one shall cause pain, suffering or damage to an animal without reasonable reason.
For me it is clear that the killing of fodder animals is the actual violation of the animal welfare law and an unacceptable intervention of man in the natural processes!!!
Because the Bambi syndrome continues to spread in our society due to the activities of so-called “animalists”.
Thus, the human being continues to withdraw from the real nature and this is clearly the opposite of what nature conservation needs.
In addition, animal welfare, or also nature protection in general, is carried out without the professional verdictability of his disciples.
How should people in the future want to protect a nature whose functioning they no longer understand.
Best regards
That’s not true.
Some species such as snakes, caterpillars or fish get live food.
But this is not possible for reasons of space.
How kind would it be if you put an antelope in the rather small run-off of lions?
The antelope wouldn’t have a chance because you would miss the place to escape. It wouldn’t be a hunt, it’s a spit and a little animal right.
I’d say it’s just more practical. You can order a load of deep-frozen rabbits at the mass breeder for a short time and you don’t have to feed them anymore. It’s sad, but true. And more likely.
I’m saying this is the most recent construction site of every zoo.
There are more serious things to work on.
Live pigs kindly before they are killed? I think you should change a lot at zoos in general, because life feeding is rather a side thing.
I was in the Cologne Zoo the other day and I saw some feedings.
When you know the enclosure, you can immediately see that the attitude of the animals alone is not art-friendly, because there is too little space.
For the hunt for food, all mammals are too small.
It is forbidden, very simple answer. Lively feeding is only allowed if this is absolutely impossible.
As soon as an animal can be fed with dead prey or meat bread, no living vertebrates may be fed. And quite simply because the idea of protection refers to all animals – also to feed animals.
Animal welfare law § 1
The purpose of this law is to protect people from the responsibility of the animal as a co-creation of their lives and well-being. No one is allowedwithout reasonable reasonAdd pain, suffering or damage.
And if a predator can be fed with calf lobes, there is no reasonable reason to throw a living calf into his cage. Capito!
Is it kind to keep animals in cages?
Is it kind of right if the prey animal doesn’t have the chance to run away and save himself?
So what?
You can expose several prey animals so that every single animal has a chance to escape.
cages are of course not art-friendly, but big cats can be used e.g. also on an island.
it is also not to keep animals in cages
Your opinion
Naja…. Zoo and art-friendly?
I think it’s as stupid as it sounds that just the animal protectors would go to the barricades in live feeding…
It is simply forbidden. There’s no animal protector going to the barricades.
Unfortunately, the Zoo’s were not banned….