Warum kauft man sich Montblanc Stifte?

Die Stifte von Montblanc sind ja sehr teuer im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen. Die kosten ja bis zu 5.000,00€. Im Durchschnitt eher 200,00€ bis 1.000,00 €. Kaufen sich das welche mit der Intention, besser schreiben zu können, oder als Geschenk? Möglicherweise wie bei ner Rolex auch einfach nur wegen der Werterhaltung?

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2 years ago

I would never buy such pens, even though I could afford them. I buy my pens in the supermarket, or in wholesale, for example, 100h for 40€, which do it too. A Rolex also only shows the time, just like my 0815 from Casio. I find such decadent parts only superfluous.

2 years ago
Reply to  Svendeboert

a Rolex is an asset.

2 years ago

A house is also a value facility, but most of them are falling off when they think they have to put the money in houses.

Let’s say you’re investing in a Rolex, a big crisis comes, who would invest in your Rolex? Then you can take the case when you get hungry. 🙄

2 years ago

For me, it’s just an overpriced watch.

2 years ago

You get real gold for the bullshit, and that’s a valuable asset. In periods of emergency, a Rolex doesn’t even get 1/100 stel, the purchase price.

2 years ago

All right, boss. I’ve never bought gold at once over 2k. But several times 1 oz. Look at the purchase price of a oz, then you will notice that it varies between 1,700 and 1,850. That’s why it was the Macbook. But if I take it in total you’re right, I’d have to answer gold.

2 years ago

So, did you? How much gold do you have? The most expensive you ever bought was a MacBook with a mouse 🐁

This student’s theory is sooo boring and atnpressures me soooo so little, I just fell asleep reading your answer. 😴😴😴

2 years ago

You have gold for crises. You also think you’re investing all your money in one thing

2 years ago


2 years ago

I’ve got two but I can’t say that’s the perfect one. but not perfect

So I have two fillers

I have Montblanc masterpiece 149 gold fountain pen (F)

And the second one I don’t know now

2 years ago

These are just writing things that can’t afford themselves,but they are worth it by themselves from the processing because they have a lifetime.They are nothing but those who are able to scrape a Pelikanfueller in 3 months.

2 years ago

Why do women buy jewelry? It doesn’t have a useful value.