Warum Karosserieumbau bei Größerer Zoll Felge?
Hallo. Ich habe zurzeit 18 Zoll Felgen auf meinem Seat. Die Reifengröße beträgt 225/40R18 92Y. Die aktuellen Felgen will ich quasi von 18 auf 20 Zoll vergrößern. Durch mein Fahrwerk weiß ich das ich das Eintragen lassen muss und so weiter. Aber warum steht auf der Seite von den Felgen das bei 20 Zoll Karosserieumbauten vorkommen können? Die ET ist alles gleich wie bei den 18 Zoll. Oder wird das nur hingeschrieben das der Shop sich absichert? Vielen Dank schonmal.
The decisive word is “can.” So inevitably means you don’t make it MUST if everything fits.
Otherwise it behaves as it was written here. It can be simple that you have to flange the edges because the wheel otherwise does not run freely. Or you can pull the fender right out.
It is not only in which the wheel is running, but also when the wheel is turned on.
In the case of the large rims, it may be that, depending on the size of the tire, the tires strip on the fenders or on chassis parts. To prevent this, these modifications are prescribed
The 20-inch wheels are much larger than the 18-inch wheels. There it could be tight in the wheelhouse and strip somewhere when the wheel is fully springing in.
Okay. Isn’t it because the tire goes up so slanted at the 18 inches, while the rim just goes up?
If you look at the added picture:
You can immediately see that when the wheels are hit and completely spring in, the danger is that they will come to the sheet if the wheels are too big. To prevent this, the fender should be widened.
Serves only for optical purposes haha. But as I said, as soon as anything doesn’t fit, I’ll leave my 18 inches as they are.
If only a few milimeters are involved, there are some fine methods to widen the fender at the edges. But the workshop will do. Admittedly, large wheels look cool, although it is physically nonsense, because the wheel becomes heavier and the inherent suspension of the tire is lower.
As long as there is nothing wrong in the after, everything is good:D. As soon as there is any risk or something has to be spread, I leave it anyway
You’d definitely be on the safe side. They’re gonna do that with the examiner so that he gives his stamp.
Oh, okay. Well, if I were to bring tires and rims to my tuning workshop that also shows everything to the TÜV tester that I almost only let it go and put it on the approval site. If there are already problems, he will tell me that and I know that I can return 4 tires and 4 rims :D.
In principle, yes… the evil awakening may only come at the TÜV.
Okay. And the only way to find out if this goes without changes is to buy and install properly?:D
This means that either only the inner edge of the wheel race has to be surrounded or that it is necessary to additionally be pulled.