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This is due to climate protection, and the ignition is also not cheap. There it is worth running a motor to get a clearing vehicle inndie gear, more.
Then you have water, it becomes solid and ice.
No smart idea.
because you may accidentally ignite something else
Suf sidewalk is all wet in winter
There are wide stress where no shrubs stand tmetc
Look what I found
I don’t deny anything, that’s a logical conclusion from what you’re giving.
If you mean it’s not like that, it’s good. Then I don’t understand why you’re artificially upset. That’s just giving the monkey sugar. :
Listen to me to keep thinking, but you can sneak in vain
I don’t think you’re paying attention. I don’t care. Luckily, not everyone gets a flame thrower. :
Yes but with flame thrower I am concentrated and there are safety requirements
If you’re going around with the flame thrower as you’re writing concentrated, you’re going to be in the news very quickly. Then you torched your cabin, the car and the dog..
Build a floor heating into the entrance.
Someone saw the video.
The first problem: Where do you get a flame thrower?
How dangerous is he?
What can I destroy in addition to the snow.
What mixture does a flame thrower need and what does it cost?
And some other questions.
And what if your neighbor has such a part?
too much energy waste
You can do it.
Who says it doesn’t work?